Page 99 of Discovery

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“Mm. Morning. I don’t feel so gorgeous today.” Caroline shifted, wincing as pain jolted her. “Fuck.”

“Maybe I could make us some coffee while you wait for that body to wake up.”

Caroline took Hannah’s hand beneath the cover, pulling her closer. “Not yet. Stay here with me.”

Oh, that wasn’t a demand Caroline ever had to make. Hannah would spend forever lying here staring at this woman. Caroline had really gone above and beyond yesterday, and as Hannah lay here this morning, she’d only fallen further in love with her. “How are you feeling?”

“A little bit sore. Was that Edie calling?”

“It was, yes.”

Caroline stroked a thumb across the back of Hannah’s hand, her eyelids heavy. “And how is she?”

“She’s…a little anxious. I had a feeling she would be, but my mum will calm her down. She’s always been good with that.”

“Maybe you should go and be with her. I’m just going to take it easy today and rest. There’s really no point in you sitting around when you could be doing whatever needs doing at home.”

“Do you want me to leave?” Hannah asked, desperately hoping Caroline would say no. But Hannah had to consider that Caroline did want to be alone for a while. Yesterday had to have been a lot for her. And outside of work, too? She was probably feeling humiliated after what happened.

“It’s not that I want you to leave,” Caroline explained, squeezing Hannah’s hand. “But I’m used to dealing with things alone. So, you coming over last night and staying without complaining about not wanting to be here is a little odd for me. That’s all.”

“Why would I complain? If I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t have turned up.”

“I couldn’t even be sick without being criticised.” Caroline’s eyes flashed with that look she’d once had. Way back when they’d first met. As though she was a hindrance. “I ruined plans. I was being dramatic. There was nothing wrong with me.”

“You won’t find me doing that. If you want me to be here, then I’m going to be here. If you don’t want to be alone, I won’t leave you alone. But…if you do want some time to yourself, you only have to say the word, and I’ll give you some space.”

“I’d like you to stay a while, but you should probably see to Edie. She’s your priority, Hannah. Not me.”

“You’re both my priority.” Hannah leaned in, pressing a kiss to Caroline’s nose. When Caroline nuzzled into Hannah, she wrapped an arm around Caroline, aware that she was in pain. “Would it be okay if Edie came over? It’s absolutely fine if you don’t want her here, but I thought there was no harm in asking.”

“Why wouldn’t I want her here?” Caroline’s brows drew together. “Have I ever given you that impression?”

“God, no. And I wasn’t implying that you ever had. I guess it’s just never come up in conversation. But I think she’d like to see you if you’re feeling up to it.”

“Edie is welcome here whenever she wants to be here. The same goes for you.”

Hannah feathered her fingertips across Caroline’s cheek, a smile spreading on her mouth. She really hadn’t expected to find herself in this position with Caroline back when they met, but she wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

“I’ll go and call her. And while I’m there, I’ll make myself useful and bring us coffee back up.”

“I’d like that.”

* * *

Caroline folded laundry,slowly shifting from side to side as she placed her clothes into the correct piles on the dining table. The more she moved, the less she hurt. Sitting wasn’t doing anything for her back at all. She was only seizing up if she lounged around.

She took her cup of tea from the counter and moved towards the door. She’d done an hour of meaningless tasks, and now she was going to sit down for five minutes. Relax…or try to at least.

Caroline was concerned about Edie. The whole reason she’d sent her back into school yesterday was because she knew Kirsty could become violent. Edie wasn’t supposed to see any of what happened. But she had, and now Hannah was left to pick up the pieces. Caroline too if Hannah would allow her that.

The doorbell rang as Caroline reached the living room. Hannah was upstairs showering, the soft hum of her voice as she did so making Caroline smile. She reached for the door, opening it slowly as she shifted back. What she was met with stole her heart once and for all.

“Edie. Hi.”

“H-hi, Ms Baker.” Caroline lifted a brow at that. “Caz. Sorry.”

Caroline’s eyes lowered, her heart almost bursting from her chest. Edie held a bunch of flowers in one arm, a card barely grasped by her fingertips, and a box of chocolates in the other hand. “These are for you. To say sorry for what happened yesterday. Mum said it would be okay to bring them over. But if it’s not, I can go back home with Nanna.”
