Page 21 of The Tsar's Tsarina

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“That’s good.” His eyes roam down my body, his face flooding with emotion. “You stuck by me through thick and thin.”


His eyes stir with warmth. “Look down at your hand.”

Surprised, I throw a glance at my hand and a ring with a blue gem glimmers back. My heart begins racing as Balthazar rasps,

“I hope you didn’t mind that I put it one while you were sleeping. And I can get you a nicer one, if you want but that ring was all I could afford back then.”

“Back then?” I whisper.

“It’s what I wanted to give you that day in the meadow. I wanted to propose to you.”

Tears prickles my eyes and I hug the ring to my chest. “It’s perfect. I don’t want another one.”

“Then I’m guessing your answer to my question is yes?” Balthazar says as hope shines from his and I nod, flashing him a grin. Groaning, he pulls me to his chest. “Thank fuck. You’ve saved those villagers from an excruciating death...” he rubs his lips against my temple, “and made me the luckiest man in all of Karthusia.”

I’m hoping he’s joking about the death thing but something tells me he isn’t. I let out a sigh because it doesn’t matter. I’m staying with him. Forever. I’ll be the luckiest woman in all of Karthusia.

And the luckiest woman in the world.



“You’re glowing,” Balthazar rasps, “it’s making me feel very possessive.” He nuzzles my throat and I hide a smile against his shoulder. We’re in the village pub, its close too midnight and people are getting more than tipsy.

Live music’s playing in the corner, tambourines, harmonicas and there’s a sing-a-long and a ton of cheering. Outside the snow swirls and life’s never been better.

“I’m all yours,” I murmur and he grins because he knows it’s true. We married, right after the blizzard had stopped falling and I never went back to the states. I did retrieve my passport though but as soon as I got my hands on it, Balthazar snatched it and cut it up with scissors.

I was furious for about five second or so but then we began our baby making, and I forgot all about being angry with him, it’s kind of hard being upset when you have a Tsar ramming you as if his life depends on it. His efforts paid off though and I’m hiding something pretty special underneath my coat.

“Should we just tell them?” I whisper and Balthazar’s brows curve.

“Not sure how I feel about you showing them what’s mine.”

Rolling my eyes, I murmur, “They have to know sooner or later. You’re their tsar. They’re going to be thrilled.”

Balthazar still doesn’t look convinced. “Now everyone will know what I do to my wife up in that castle of ours.”

“I’m sure they already have a clue,” I drawl and he grins, before giving curt nod. Standing up, he clinks his glass.

“Attention,” he booms over the pub and the music stops playing and people look to him in awe. “The Tsarina has something she wants to announce.” He takes my hand and helps me up, “Wife...”

With blossoming cheeks, I smile up at him before declaring. “Everyone...I have a little surprise for you.” My smile widens as I pull my coat aside, showcasing my gigantic belly that I’m pretty good at disguising.

“You’re fat as a barrel!” Katinka cries, while Balthazar begins growling next to me and I struggle not to laugh.

“She’s pregnant!” Petrushia yells over the crowd and her eyes widen. “With quadruplets, I can already tell.”

Pretty impressive, considering she’s right. We’re having four at once and I couldn’t be happier. And if we keep going in this rate, there won’t be a single empty bedroom at our place.

Tumult breaks out and people run around, congratulating us, kissing our cheeks and sending well wishes and both Balthazar and I can’t stop smiling. After the crowd has settled down, I wrap my arms around his neck. I’m crazy about this man. He defeated our enemies for me, built a castle for me and had faith in us when my own faith sometimes dwindled. He never gave up on us. Always knew from the start that we were meant to be.

“We’ve come a long way, Beauty,” he whispers and his eyes shimmer.

“We certainly have, Beastie.” I press my lips against his. “Thank you for our love story.”

The End
