Page 25 of Becoming His

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I knew she was mine, and I was fucking Roxanne less than two weeks later. Before her parents died, before she was sent to live with strangers, who apparently beat her, before her first shift all alone. I was here making excuses for myself so I could fuck around.

When that tear fell from her tightly clenched eyes, I wanted to say something, to tell her I was sorry. Instead, I let her lock herself in the bathroom to hide the tears I caused. When I heard her soft sobs, I couldn’t take anymore. Knowing I made her feel bad for saving herself, if not for me than for herself for waiting for someone that was deserving, I let her think her inexperience bothered me. I was more worried about getting a good fuck than I cared about her. I know she must think I don’t care about her at all, I’ve seen how it hurts her to think of me with other women. Still being a selfish bastard, I practically ran from the room, so here I sit four hours later, pretending to work.

When my phone rings, I want to ignore that, too, but I answer anyway. “Michael.”

“Alpha, Gavin and three others have requested admittance to the property to be considered for our pack. They also say they have information on the rogue group trying to challenge you.” His voice is stiff

“Let them in. Take them directly to the meeting hall. I’ll meet you there in twenty minutes. Do not mention my Mate, and don’t let them speak to anyone else.” I hang up the phone. If Gavin can produce info on the rogue group testing my borders, I’ll let him stay.

Walking through the doors, I find Michael, Sid, and four other guards surrounding Gavin, two male shifters, and one female shifter. “Beta.” I nod my head formally to Michael letting him know I want to speak to him privately. I tilt my head to my pack office. He follows me into the soundproof room and closes the door. Running my hands through my hair, I lay it out. “I fucked up today, big time. She was outside. When I went to let her know I had business, she was gone. I know she’s still in the area, probably went for a walk, but I need to know the property is safe. If these guys are here to cause a problem or distract us, I need to know she is safe.”

Michael’s face is stoic as he speaks. “I doubled patrols as soon as I got wind of these guys getting near.”

I can tell something is bothering him. “What’s wrong, Michael?”

His face still unreadable. He responds, “The Luna has been with Nicole for hours, Mase. As your friend, I’m asking how did you not know this? And even more important, what did you do to make her so sad?” I don’t answer. “I don’t know how you let her out of your sight feeling like that.”

“What are you saying, Michael?”

He looks right at me. “What time was it when you upset her?”

Thinking back, I answer, “a little after eight.”

He shakes his head. “When she walked past our house, we felt how sad she was. She was just walking past the house, and Nicole and I both felt compelled to find out what made our hearts ache. I’ve never felt anything like it. I knew the hurt was coming from her, but she smiled at us like everything was fine. She has no idea that we felt her emotions. After talking for a few, Nicole invited her in to visit. She’s been there for almost three hours, Mase. You just realized she was gone twenty minutes ago?”

“WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?” I yell, so angry at myself, at Michael, at everyone.

Michael is calm and speaks in a measured voice, “Why would you let her feel like that, Mase? Why would you not go to her and make whatever hurt her, better?” He stands up tall. “What I’m saying Mase is maybe the last five years have changed you. Maybe, you can’t be what she needs. What she deserves...”

My ass drops to a chair, all the fight in me gone. I don’t even know how to answer my best friend. I knew she was hurting, and I didn’t do anything to fix it. I didn’t know when she left the house. I knew she was outside, but I had no idea she had been gone for hours. Maybe, he’s right, maybe, I’m fucked up.

My voice is defeated when I say, “She told me she is a virgin. I mean, I suspected! But to hear her say it. I had just finished eating her pussy, and she said she was a virgin and that when I kissed her yesterday it was her first kiss.” I hang my head. “She wanted me to know I was the only man to ever touch her. She was insecure about making love because she didn’t want to disappoint me.” I look at my best friend and tell him what a selfish fucker I am. “I sat there, didn’t speak, didn’t move, I sat there. Did you know she knew me as her Mate that first night? She told Cass when someone asked me who she was I called her no one. She’s lived five years believing I chose Roxanne over her. Then, when she comes to my house, she sees Roxanne standing on my front porch almost naked.” I shake my head. “I just kept thinking how I was all that time. Fucking anyone I wanted, while she never let anyone touch her. I was disgusted with myself so I just sat there, and when I didn’t respond, she got upset. I knew what she was thinking, and I let her believe it was her that disgusted me.”

Michael’s face is angry. “Fuck Mase. I don’t even know what to say to that.” My Beta does something he’s never done. He turns away from me and walks out the door.

I take a few minutes to get my shit together, before walking out. I overhear Gavin talking, “smells different, maybe my Mate is here. My boys can feel it too. You guys bring in a new bunch of females? I’d love to find which one smells so damn good,” he laughs.

Now, my anger has a new direction because I know who he’s talking about. Michael responds, “If you’re smart, you’ll keep your mouth shut!”

I have to find out what he knows about the rogues before I snap his fucking neck. Every head turns to me the moment I walk into the room. I’m so close to shifting I can feel my fangs descending, heat flows from me in waves. Michael is the only one to keep his ground, everyone else in the room has either taken a step back in retreat or dropped their heads in submission. My voice comes out as a growl, barely understandable. “Gavin, tell me what you know.”

“Alpha,” he says slowly like he’s testing my reaction, “I appreciate you letting us come today and hope you’ll let us appeal to stay for good.”

“GET ON WITH IT!” I roar. He drops his eyes. I know he doesn’t understand my behavior, we’ve been friends for years. He answers with a stammer, “I met the group close to your territory. They’re trouble. I think they are planning on challenging you, but I think there’s something more. The leader, Saul, he’s so confident, like he knows something that will help him win the challenge. They asked us to join them, said that when he takes over, he needs people he can trust. I told them we already belonged to a pack, and we’re just visiting family. I thought they would keep us from leaving, but they let us leave. There are nine males and six females that I saw. I’m sorry, Alpha, that’s all I know.”

As he finishes, the front door opens, and I know it’s her. Every head swivels in her direction. The men all straightened to their full height. The one female looks her over with envy. My beautiful Mate has no idea how striking she truly is. Her curvy figure is a rarity among shifters. Females are usually tall and slender, breasts small, hips narrow. Her long, dark hair waves behind her. Her large amber eyes find me quickly, and I can tell she is worried, that her worry for me has overridden how I made her feel this morning. When she starts to walk over, I hear Gavin and the two men he’s with take deep breaths, pulling in her scent. Michael moves between her and the men now watching her as she makes her way to me. “Masen?” The southern drawl in her voice clear. She comes close but not close enough to touch.

“She’s the one,” I hear one of the men whisper. The female with the group huffs.

I close the remaining gap between us, picking her up. She automatically wraps her legs around my waist. She’s so soft and sweet it floors me that after the way I treated her she’s still willing to let me touch her. My anger evaporates immediately and is replaced with remorse. “I’m so sorry, Little One,” I whisper close to her ear. “I was angry at myself, never you, baby. I handled it so wrong. Please forgive me,” I beg, and I don’t care who’s witnessing this tender moment.

She runs her hands through my hair and shushes me. “Masen, I overreacted. So much has happened lately I just mashed it all up. I’m a little emotional,” she says with a shrug and a big smile, like it’s no big deal. Her voice has been quiet, just for the two of us, but now she speaks louder so everyone can hear, “What has you so mad? Which one of them should I kill to make you feel better. I hope it’s her, I don’t like the way she’s looking at you.” Her voice is serious like she would tear them to pieces right now if I just say the word. Her eyes narrow at the female watching us.

I can’t help the loud laugh that escapes. “It’s fine, Little One. If they need killing, I’ll do it.” I chuckle and set her down next to me.


With a hand on my lower back, Masen guides me forward toward the small group, three men and one female, surrounded by five other men and Michael. The woman stares at Masen with her back arched, pushing her small breasts out of her tiny halter top in an open invitation. Her short, leather skirt hangs low on her hips, baring most of her toned belly. She looks ridiculous. It’s not even one o’clock in the afternoon, and she looks like she’s going clubbing. I roll my eyes. Masen hasn’t glanced at her once. I can see a pout form on her lips as we get closer.
