Page 81 of The Secret of Raven

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“I wasn’t,” I assure him. “I can barely remember much about my past… Well, until a few minutes ago when I saw all of that… stuff.” I have so many questions, like if we were sold, why we were, and who did it.

And who the hell I am.

But he distracts me by touching my cheek with his hand.

Why the heck is he touching me like this when he loathes me?

“I know that now.” His hand trembles. “I knew the moment I saw you in the bedroom surrounded by those files and with that razor in your hand…” He trails off, swallowing hard. “I know you didn’t know.” The pad of his thumb brushes across my bottom lip.

My breath catches in my throat, shock whipping through me.

What the shit is happening right now?

I’m not positive, but I swear he leans in like he’s going to kiss me. And… Well, I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do. I never find out since the sound of Jax’s and Hunter’s voices causes him to hurry and step back.

“I don’t know either,” Hunter says as he enters the room with Jax right behind him. “I think maybe it could be from….” He trails off as his gaze lands on Zay and then me. His brows knit, curiosity crossing his expression. “What were you two just doing?”

“What does it look like we’re doing?” Zay snaps. “Taking care of our battle wounds, something you two don’t have.”

“Don’t put the blame on us,” Jax mumbles, raking his fingers through his hair. “You’re the one that decided to go down and start a fight.”

“Someone had to retaliate,” Zay snaps, a vein in his neck bulging. “We’re getting our asses kicked in this game.”

“We don’t even know all of the rules,” Hunter stresses, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

“Exactly.” Zay puts the icepack to his cheek again. “That’s how far behind we are.”

Silence skips by.

“What do you think your brother meant by we’ve been marked?” Jax breaks the silence in the softest whisper.

I should be paying attention. This is important. I know that.

But something else has captured my attention.

Through the frosted window above the sink, I can see the outline of a face. But I can’t make out any of their features. I feel eyes on me, though, and I stare right back. Staring and staring and staring until finally, I have to blink. Logically, I should be panicking. After all, I thought I just saw a figure outside, staring into the window.

But here’s the thing. While I was sifting through those papers that Ellis gave me, I came across one that made me question everything about myself. It’s a paper I tucked away in my pocket, where no one can find it unless I want them to.

Because what’s on the paper could ruin everything about my life.

Willow Lee: Age 5. Suffers from hallucinations. Sees people that aren’t there. Possible Dissociative Identity Disorder.

That’s what was listed at the top of the paper. Below it was some medical information that I couldn’t quite understand. But I will once I get the chance to search it online. It’s the thing that made me break completely, what pushed me to let that razor taste my flesh.

But what really pushed me over the edge is while I read the alleged diagnosis of me, I saw this image inside my mind, like a memory, of me writing a note and slipping it into my jacket pocket. Which wouldn’t seem so weird, except I was in this house while I did it. I can’t remember doing it, but as far as I know, only one note has been found in my pocket while I’ve been here.

The note that the doctor supposedly wrote.

I’m not sure if the memory of that is real or a hallucination.


What if it is real?
