Page 52 of Ravaged Souls

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“I meant what I said, Kinsley. I told you thisthingbetween us is done. Now you can either accept it and start talking, or you can stop wasting my time and skedaddle.”

“But-But I love you, Isaac.” Her bottom lip wobbled as she stared up at me, tears dotting her eyes. “I want us—”

“I don’t do relationships. I told you that from the very beginning. If you thought you were about to jump on my dick and then walk out of here thinking we’re head over heels in love or some shit, you’re gravely mistaken.I don’t fucking want you, Kinsley.I have more important shit to think and worry about other than an obsessive piece of ass who can’t take a fucking hint.”

Her clenched fists heavily shook, and as she uncurled one, opting to slap me, I knocked her hand away, grasping her throat before she ever saw it coming.

“You’re fuckingluckyyou’re a female,” I hissed through clenched teeth. “I don’t like repeating myself, Kinsley, but just this once, I’ll be nice and ask you this one more time. What do we need to talk about?”

“It-It’s Daddy,” she croaked, tears sliding down her face. “He…he said Xavier won’t return his phone calls. He wanted me to check in, see if I could find out what was going on.”

“Is that so?” Complete and utter terror crossed her face as I tightened my hold around her throat.

“Ye-Yes,” she shakily rasped with a hard gulp.

If there was one thing I knew about Kinsley, it was that I couldusuallytell when she was lying. And that was the biggest crockpot of shit I’d ever heard come out of her mouth.

Jerimiah Sinclair betrayed my father and cut ties with him after we’d paid him for our last drug shipment. He was on Damien’s team now, so I highly doubted he’d tried to make any form of contact with my father. And now the bastard actually had the goddamn audacity to send his fucking daughter in to dig dirt up on us? The motherfucker had an obvious death wish.

Wait a damn minute…

I eyed Kinsley harder as she shook beneath my grip. Another thing I just so happen to be knowledgeable in was Kinsley’s status in her father’s line of work. She had none. I know because Kinsley herself told me this last year when she first arrived on campus. Kinsley wasDaddy’s Little Girl, meaning Jerimiah Sinclair forbid her from partaking in any roles related to his family business. It was supposedly the reason why he’d sent her here to the academy. To keep her away from it altogether.

But now that I think about it, I had a feeling she’d been playing me from the start. Her father and mine had been business partners for years, way before Kinsley had ever set foot on this campus. I’d heard about her but hadn’t actually met her until last year. And believe it or not…shewas actually the one who pursuedmefirst.

Son of a motherfucking bitch. This was all a fucking setup. It had to be.

“Isaac,” Kinsley rasped as she clawed and slapped at my hand. “You-You’re hurting me.”

It took all my willpower not to fucking kill her, so I unhanded her, my chest heaving as I watched her cough and suck in deep gulps of air.

“You can go letDaddyknow that I said to go fuck himself. He knows good and damn well my father’s business is no longer his. As for you, your spying days are done. I suggest you get the fuck out of my school before I find a more permanent way to deal with you.”

I jerked the door open and slammed it closed behind me amid her sobs. I was done fucking around. These fuckers had been two steps ahead of us this whole time and we hadn’t a clue. If they wanted to play games, then so fucking be it. War had always been my favorite.

Chapter 24


Aftermyfoolishencounterwith Isaac, I spent the remainder of the school day in my dorm room. I’d never felt so low in my life. Guilt ate at me, constantly gnawing away at my guts until the only way to cure it was to puke it away in the toilet.

When I didn’t show up for lunch, Sky stopped by the dorm to check on me. I used my period as the excuse and told her I had horrible cramps and just wanted to stay in my room until I felt better. She didn’t question it. Before leaving me be, she left a box of tampons at my door, with a little note taped to it stating she’d be with Brian for the rest of the afternoon, and to text her if I needed anything.

I decided to call it an early night and went to bed, hoping it would help me forget about what happened. When I woke up the next day, the memory was still there. I could still feel Isaac’s lips on mine and his fingers knuckle deep between my legs. What the hell was wrong with me? How could I be so fucking stupid?

Aside from my horrible fuck up, Jace remained heavy on my mind. We weren’t together, so technically it wasn’t like I’d cheated on him. But still, the hurt was there. The thought of betraying him tore my heart to smithereens. Yesterday’s behavior was nothing but a regretful reminder that I made the right choice. We didn’t belong together. He deserved to be with someone who’d love him unconditionally, not a wasteful fuckup who has done nothing but repeatedly plunge a knife through his heart like I’d been doing for weeks now.

I didn’t want to think about it anymore. And I couldn’t continue to let what happened affect me. So, I didn’t. I got out of bed and went to my classes.

The day was normal, and I’d somehow gotten lucky enough to avoid running into the Ravagers. That was until I’d walked in fifth period English. Phantom and I shared that class together.

Out of all of the Ravagers, he was the odd one out. Unlike his brothers, he never approached me, much less made any attempts to really speak to me. Even though my desk was in the front row, far, far away from him, I could always feel him watching me, every inch of his rage heating the back of my neck, invisibly singeing the hairs there. When I casually glanced over my shoulder to peek at him, he’d given me a look that shook me to my core. He didn’t like me, that much was evident. Then again, from what I’d heard about him from Brian and Sky and based on my own personal observations, it seemed like he truly didn’t like much of anyone or anything.

Aside from that bullshit he did with my schedule and getting me tossed in the dungeon, I had to find some way to play nice with him. Beneath his barriers and that ornery as fuck persona, I was sure there had to be a decent guy in there somewhere. I just had to figure out a way to draw it out of him.

It was the only way my plan would work.

Chapter 25
