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Placing my wine glass on the table behind me, I said, “Hi there, Charlie.”

He gifted me with a brilliant smile. Oh dear, he was gonna be a heartbreaker someday, there was no doubt about that.

“May I have to dance?”

I drew my brows down in confusion. “I’m sorry?”

“For what?” Charlie asked.

I shook my head. “No, I mean, what are you asking?”

He looked up at the ceiling and then mumbled something before he asked, “May I have this dance?”

I felt a little chuckle slip free. “Why, of course. I’d be honored to dance with you, Charlie.”

The little guy held out his hand, I took it, and we both walked to the dance floor.

As we swayed to the beat, I leaned down and said, “You’re a lovely dancer, Charlie.”

He smiled, and it was then I noticed his missing front tooth. Lord, could he be any cuter?

“Thank you! You dance good thoo, Ms. Palmer.”

Oh goodness, the toothless lisp.

“Can I walk a dog with you sometime?”

Laughing, I replied, “I think I could arrange that.”

The song ended and I leaned down and kissed Charlie on the cheek. “Thank you for the dance, Charlie.”

He blushed and kicked at nothing on the floor before he turned and rushed across the room to my mother, who bent down to hear what he had to say. I knew my mom was going to make an amazing grandmother one day when one of her kids finally had a baby.

“Seems like you’ve captured the heart of my son.”

I spun around and came face to face with Mason. It wasn’t like I had never talked to him before. I had, but it was when I’d thought he was simply a tourist moving through town. At the time I had also thought he was hot. Really, really hot. The man made my heart beat like a hummingbird’s wings.

Smiling, I replied, “I think it’s the other way around.”

Something moved across Mason’s face before he cleared his throat. “Palmer, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

Oh. Crap. He’s going to ask me to be his son’s nanny. Run, Palmer! Run!

I managed to keep the panic out of my voice as I asked, “What’s that?” I closed my eyes when I heard my voice go up a few octaves.

“Adelaide mentioned that you might be interested in possibly being Charlie’s nanny.”

Before I could say anything, he went on.

“I understand you have other jobs, and I’m sure we can work around them. Charlie is in school from seventy-thirty until two-thirty. I wouldn’t need you during those hours. The office is closed on Fridays and the weekend, so those would be free too.”

Before I had a chance to tell him that I wasn’t exactly nanny material—even though I adored his son—my mother appeared with Charlie in tow.

“This little boy is certainly a charmer, Dr. Bryan,” my mother said. Did she bat her eyes at the good doctor? Lord, give me strength.

Mason flashed her a bright smile and my stupid stomach did a little flip at the sight of his dimples.

Okay, ignore the way he makes you feel, Palmer. Ignore it.

Then, if possible, his smile grew bigger. Goodness, the man had a face that could light up a room.

“Please, call me Mason.”

Holy hell, was my mother blushing?

“Mason it is,” she said.

Charlie started to dance around and grab at himself. “Daddy, I have to go to potty.”

Mason bent down. “Right now, buddy? Are you sure?”

Charlie nodded. He looked up and gave me that toothless grin while still dancing around.

Okay, the father makes my stomach twist into knots and the kid makes my heart jump. This is not a good sign. I’m treading through dangerous territory here.

Mason straightened back up and gave me a sheepish grin. “Um, looks like our conversation will have to wait a bit.”

All I could do was nod and silently thank the Lord above that I got out of answering his question. Once Mason and Charlie walked away, my mother turned to me. “He’s such a sweet boy.”

“Which one?” I mumbled.

She turned and smirked at me. “Very funny, Palmer. I was talking about Charlie, but now that you bring it up, Dr., er, Mason, is a very sweet man as well. I hear nothing but wonderful things about him.”

“That’s what Addie says too.”

She tilted her head, and I knew it was coming. “He’s looking for a nanny, and he mentioned that Adelaide tossed out your name.”

“Not going to happen, Mom.”

For a moment, I swore my mother was going to stomp her foot, cross her arms over her chest, and throw a full-on fit right there in the middle of my sister’s wedding reception.

“And why not? Adelaide said he’d pay a handsome wage.”

I screwed up my face as I stared at her. “What does that mean?”

Mom looked at me with a confused expression. “What does what mean?”

“A handsome wage. What does that mean? Is it above average, normal, or out of this world?”
