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I laughed. “Goodbye, Deacon.”

He walked past me, and when I turned around, I nearly gasped. Mason was standing there, his arms over his chest and a hard expression on his face. As Deacon walked by him, they both exchanged a look of warning. I wasn’t exactly sure what they were warning each other about, but the amount of testosterone coming off both of them was insane.

After Deacon made his way down the long drive and was out of hearing range, Mason looked at me. “Who was that?”

“Old boyfriend who thinks he can simply walk back into my life and pick up where he left off. He doesn’t seem to remember that he broke up with me before he left.”

Frown lines appeared between Mason’s brows. “What an idiot.”

“Why is that?”

“Why is he an idiot?”

I nodded.

“Because he broke up with you. Probably realizes now what he gave up.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but then snapped it shut. After a moment, I cleared my throat. “I was about to come up to the house to help out when he stopped by unexpectedly.”

The hard look on Mason’s face softened, and he smiled. “No worries. Charlie wants you to help him set up his room. Actually, he wants you to help him pick a room, and then help set it up.”

Laughing, I grabbed my coat, phone, and keys. “Sounds like I’ve got important work to do. Lead the way!”

* * *


December 22, 2022



News on the pier is that Deacon Parker is back in town after serving in the Marine Corps. A big welcome home to him and a thanks for serving our country.

Speaking of…

Deacon was seen leaving Palmer Bradley’s house the day after his return to Seaside. Apparently, he didn’t stay for long, and Palmer’s new boss, Dr. Bryan (aka Dr. Zaddy), interrupted the happy reunion. For those who don’t know or remember, Palmer and Deacon were once an item—a pretty serious one, if I recall. Is there a reconciliation in the works? We’ll have to wait and see. We may have a love triangle going on, my fishes! Oh, wouldn’t that be a fabulous scandal! Seaside hasn’t had one of those in some time. I have to say, I’m not on Deacon’s side. Can you imagine it…Palmer Parker? That name alone should be a hard pass for Palmer.

From the smile on Ms. Bradley’s face lately, though, I’m thinking she rather enjoys her new job as a nanny.

Deacon may have his work cut out for him if his intentions are to win back Palmer.

I’ll have to keep my ear to the sand for any additional news.

Fair winds and following seas!

Ms. Seaside

* * *

I sat in the booth at the Seaside Grill and looked at my two sisters, Harlee, and my mother as they each took turns reading this week’s gossip column, which featured me yet again.

My mother was the last to finish. She looked up at me and simply said, “Wow.”

Blinking a few times, I replied, “Wow? That’s all you got, Mom?”

“So, Deacon’s back in town?” Sutton asked as she picked up her coffee.

I turned and glared at her. “Yes, he is. How in the hell did Ms. Seaside—” Abruptly turning to Harlee, whom I knew was about to suggest it could be a man, I pointed and growled, “She signs it Ms. Seaside now, so we know it’s a woman!”

She held up both hands in defense. “Sorry, old habits and all.”

“How did she know Deacon came to my house last weekend? No one was there. Only Mason saw him.”

Addie and Sutton shrugged while my mother and Harlee both gave me blank expressions.

“Movers, maybe?” Addie asked after a few beats of silence.

I rolled my eyes. “None of you are any help.”

Braxton walked up to the table and smiled. “Finally, this week’s gossip column is not about me.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at my brother as he slid into the booth next to Harlee.

“Move over, Harlee,” he said, giving her a push with his hips.

“Hey! In case you didn’t notice, Sutton is sitting here next to me and she’s pregnant, jackass.”

Brax leaned forward and smiled at Sutton. “You okay, sis?”

“Perfectly fine,” she replied.

Brax looked at Harlee and stuck his tongue out while she rolled her eyes. “Are you ten, Brax?”

Before the two of them could get into a debate about how immature my brother was, I said, “Brax, I need your help.”

He looked at me. “Anything for my baby sister.”

I placed my hands on the table and met his questioning gaze. “We need to find out who’s writing this column.”

Brax sat up some, clearly interested in where I was going. “I’m listening…and as you know, I’ve already been asking around.”

“I’m serious. I’ve had enough.”

“Hold on a minute.” Sutton put her fork down and wiped the edges of her mouth. “It was all fine and dandy when they were writing about me and Addie, but now that you two are being talked about more often, you suddenly have to find out who’s writing the column?”
