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“I think…I think I’ll be able to sleep now.”

He chuckled. “I’m more than happy to help you out again if you need it.”

I straightened up, or at least attempted to. “I don’t think I’ll be…um…I mean…that was…nice.”

“Nice?” he asked with a quirked brow. “Just nice?”

Shaking my head, I added, “Really, really nice. I’d say more, but then it would go to your head, and we can’t have you thinking you’re all that.”

This time he full-on laughed. “No, we can’t have that.”

Reaching for my panties, I slipped them on. “I can say one thing, Brax. You’ve certainly gotten better at that.”

“Repetition will do that.”

Trying not to let him see the disappointment on my face—because I’d totally stepped right into that one—I rolled my eyes. “You’re such a jerk.”

I turned to open the door, and Brax pushed me flat against the surface with his body. He buried his face in my hair and drew in a long breath before moving his mouth to my ear. He bit it gently, and I had to sink my teeth into my lip to keep from expressing my delight at the sensation. I nearly pressed my ass into him but thankfully stopped myself.

“Every woman I’ve ever put my mouth on I’ve compared to you, Harlee. Her scent, her taste, the feel of her against me. No one has ever come close to that sweet honey of yours…and now that I’ve had another taste, I want more.”

I closed my eyes and focused on breathing. I’d never been with a man who talked like Brax, and I hated that it turned me on so much. I’d also be lying to myself if I said I hated knowing he was with other women, but I wasn’t naïve. Hell, I’d been with other men, some for only one night…so why did it bother me so much to hear him admit it out loud?

When I had my thoughts under control, I quietly said, “If you think comparing me to all the other women you’ve fucked with your mouth will make me want it again, you’re sadly mistaken, Brax.”

He stepped back enough that I could look over my shoulder. A look of something like regret was on his face. Regret for his words…or his actions moments ago? Or maybe he was disappointed.

I opened my mouth to speak again, but I couldn’t think of anything to say. I was so torn and so confused. So I did the one thing I was good at—I ignored my feelings.

Without another word, I opened the door and slipped out into the hall, rushing back to my room before the tears started to fall.


The next morning, Kris grabbed my hand the second I landed on the last step and pulled me through the house and into the kitchen. The couple who was also staying at the bed and breakfast smiled as we zipped by.

“Anyone need any more bacon? Or biscuits?” Kris asked on our way through.

“We’re good!” the woman called out.

Once we reached the small pantry on the opposite side of the kitchen, Kris looked at me. “How did Braxton do it?”

My eyes went wide with horror. Oh my God. Did Kris hear us last night? I wanted to die, right then and there. Let a giant ocean swell come and take me away that very moment.

“I’m sorry?” I asked, my voice cracking slightly.

“How did he get his response to the paper so fast and then get them to print it in today’s edition?”

Okay, now I was really confused. “What are you talking about?”

Kris turned around and reached for The Chronicles. “I just got the paper. Ron has one of his guys bring it to me each morning when the first ferry lands. Braxton responded to the gossip column! They printed it where they usually put Ms. Seaside’s column!”

A rush of heat swept over me. “What?” I exclaimed as I grabbed the paper from her and started to read.

Dear Ms. Seaside,

Your assumption that I’m looking for love couldn’t be further from the truth. I am, in fact, happily single, and will stay that way for the foreseeable future.

Perhaps you should focus your attention on someone new. In the meantime, best to keep your guard on high alert.

Yours truly,

The Catch of the Season

I stared at the paper as Kris asked, “How do you think he got the paper to print it so quickly?”

There was only one answer to that question. “My father.”

That must have been who Brax had been talking to last night. The only way he could have pulled off getting this in today’s edition was to go through my dad, who would have made sure it was in before the print deadline.


I nodded. “It’s the only way he could have done it. He must have emailed it to my father or called and spoken with him about it.”
