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Now that we’ve cleared that up, I’ll be heading out to do some fly fishing next week. Some might ask why in the world I’d want to fly fish in the middle of winter. I can offer a few reasons why you should head on out yourselves for a few days.

No crowds.

It’s peaceful.

And if you’re patient enough, you may get yourself a trophy-size fish. I’m hoping to get some wild brown trout. You’ll have to wait until next Friday to see how I fared. Until then…

Your Catch of the Season

PS. Maybe what Ms. Seaside needs is to come to me directly, since she likes fishing around. I can show her where all the good spots are.

“Late-night snack!” I shouted as I nearly crumbled the newspaper in my hand. “Obsessed? He thinks I’m obsessed with him?!” My father was probably sitting in his office, laughing his ass off. I exhaled and dropped the paper onto my kitchen table. “This is what you get for playing with fire, Harlee.”

Starting to pace, I tried to think of what to do. Clearly Brax wasn’t going to stop searching for Ms. Seaside. He needed a distraction. But what could I use to distract him? I had already attempted to put him on the trail of someone else, and he wasn’t taking the bait.

Taking the bait… Taking. The. Bait.

I smiled and raced to my computer.

* * *


February 25, 2023



It seems we have a battle of words going on. If Mr. Bradley thinks I’m in any way obsessed, he’s letting his ego get the better of him. It appears to this writer, and others who have expressed the same opinion, that it’s Mr. Braxton Bradley who seems to be obsessed with little ol’ me. After all, he’s declared he’s searching for my true identity. Perhaps what this writer needs to do is toss out a clue for him. After all, he has been searching for months now and doesn’t seem to be getting any closer.

Now, my fishes, in other news, this writer has some info on Palmer and Mason’s upcoming nuptials! News on the docks is that it will be a summer wedding. Most likely after her two older sisters, Adelaide and Sutton, both deliver their first little ones. No word on where the wedding will be held as of yet. I’ll keep my ear to the sand.

Fair winds and following seas!

Ms. Seaside

* * *

The bell above the door at the Seaside Grill rang as I stepped in. I made my way over to the same booth I sat in each time I met Addie, Sutton, and Palmer here on Thursdays and Saturdays. Braxton had texted last night to say he’d be joining us, and that he had news for me. I had to admit my heart nearly pounded out of my chest as I wondered what news he could possibly have to share that warranted him joining us.

“Morning, ladies!” I cheerfully said as I slipped into the booth next to Sutton. Addie and Palmer were sitting across the table.

“Did you see it?” Addie nearly shrieked. “Oh my gosh, this is the best thing ever! The banter between the two of them is amazing!”

Sutton sighed while Palmer grinned and said, “I thought Brax had given up the search for Ms. Seaside, so when I saw his first response, I nearly died!”

“It’s a good way to flush her out, I think.” I smiled up at Ruby when she placed my coffee on the table.

“Usual?” she asked.

“Yep! Thanks, Ruby.”

“Harlee, why didn’t you tell us Brax asked for your help in figuring out who Ms. Seaside is?” Sutton asked.

I looked at her, confused. “I thought I did.”

“No!” all three of them exclaimed in unison.

Addie leaned forward. “Is that what the two of you were talking about at the Valentine’s Day dance? Palmer thought you were hooking up.”

I nearly choked on the hot coffee I’d sipped. “Hooking up?” I let out a bark of laughter that caused a few people to look in our direction. “Hardly.”

“You looked flustered at the time,” Palmer stated.

“I was,” I replied. “I mean, he cornered me and declared he had to find out who she was. And during the damn party. I was busy!”

Palmer tilted her head. “I wonder what changed his mind?”

“I don’t think he ever changed his mind the first time,” Sutton said. “He just wanted you to focus on Mason.”

Palmer’s cheeks turned pink. “Well, I’m glad I did. I haven’t ever been this happy.”

I reached across the table and squeezed her hand. “I’m so happy for you, Palmer. For all of you. It’s about time each of you found happiness.”

“What about you, Harlee?” Addie asked. “Don’t you want to find someone and settle down?”

All three of them were suddenly looking at me as if I were under a microscope. I had to fight the urge to squirm in my seat. “I mean, yes, eventually. I’d love to settle down and have a family.”
