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“It’s okay, it’s nothing. It’s not like we’re keeping the wedding a secret. We’ve actually talked about moving it up and doing something simple.”

“Simple is the way to go,” Sutton said with a wink. Turning her attention back to Brax, she asked, “You’re not even going to comment on how she suggested giving you a clue if you can’t figure out who she is in a few weeks?”

I glanced up from my toast, where I’d been intensely focused on spreading jelly, and our eyes met. Something moved across his face, but it was there and gone so fast that I couldn’t really pinpoint the emotion. But still, a strange feeling came over me.

He knew something.

What did he know? Had he found out another clue?

“She’s playing head games,” he said. “She’s worried I’m getting close to finding out who she is—as she should be.”

The entire time he spoke, he never once stopped looking at me. I forced myself to keep my expression neutral.

“By the way.” He pulled his gaze from me. “I asked Kelsey Roberts out to dinner tonight.”

My knife slipped out of my hand and clattered against my dish.

“Sorry!” I quickly said as I picked it up.

No one seemed to notice—because they were all staring at Braxton in shocked disbelief.

“You asked Kelsey out? Brax, that’s not a good idea,” Palmer said. “Mason told me she got super clingy with him when she thought he was into her.”

Giving a half shrug, Brax took the offered cup of coffee from Ruby. “I ate already, Ruby, but thank you.”

She smiled, then looked at the rest of us. “Anyone need anything else?”

I really wanted to ask her if she could make me a drink, but I had to remind myself I was at the grill, not a bar. Although, a stiff drink right about now would do wonders.

Brax had been looking at me because he was going after Kelsey. The very person I’d pushed him toward.

“I’m good,” Addie stated while everyone else agreed.

“I’m not worried about it,” Brax finally responded to Palmer, dropping back in the chair and giving her a smirk.

“You should be,” Sutton said. “Thanks to Ms. Seaside, every single woman in Seaside thinks you’re in the market for a relationship, Brax—even if you said you aren’t. Now you’re asking out people like Kelsey? Rumors are going to fly.”

Brax tossed his head toward me. “Harlee thinks Kelsey might be Ms. Seaside. I need to get closer to her to find out the truth.”

“Ouch! What in the hell, Harlee? Did you kick me?” Palmer asked, leaning down to rub at her shin.

“Sorry.” I made a face of apology. “My foot was stuck.”

“On what?” Brax asked.

I shot him a dirty look. “I think my lace was stuck on the leg of the booth,” I mumbled.

He ignored my lame explanation and focused back on the rest of the table. “Anyway, Harlee thinks it could be her, so I intend to find out.”

“How? I mean, I know you can charm the socks off of any woman, but do you actually think you can charm her into confessing?” Addie asked with a laugh.

“I’m sure I can work my magic on her.”

I coughed hard, then hit my chest when everyone looked at me. “Egg went down wrong.”

Addie asked, “Harlee, what makes you think it’s her?”

Wiping the corner of my mouth, I sat back and pushed my plate away. “Ms. Seaside said she was at the Valentine’s Day dance. I knew everyone who was there. I spoke to nearly everyone, too, and I remembered seeing Kelsey walking around with a notepad. She didn’t have it with her at all times, but I saw her pull it out every now and then. Why else would she be carrying a notepad at a dance?”

“I said probably to sketch things, since she’s an art teacher,” Brax added before he took a sip of his coffee.

Palmer shook her head. “I mean, I like to draw, but I don’t think I would have been focused on that during a party.”

“Well, we know why you weren’t,” Sutton stated with a wicked laugh.

Palmer stuck her tongue out at her.

“Are we missing something?” I asked.

Waving off my question, Palmer said, “No. You really think it could be her?”

“Wait, wasn’t she at the grocery store when Mason’s ex was there following you and Charlie?” Sutton asked.

Palmer’s mouth dropped open. “She was!”

“Come to think of it,” Sutton added, “she was walking into my store one day when Brody was leaving. She even asked me if there was something going on with us, and I told her he was fixing something for me. Oh my gosh! You might be on to something, Harlee!”

Addie fell back in her seat. “Okay, so she happened to be in a few places. That doesn’t mean anything.”

“Well, when I was making my board of suspects, she was smack in the middle,” I said.
