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Exhaling, I knew exactly how Brody felt. “Sutton said I remind her of you. With the way I handled things with Harlee.”

Brody shook his head.

Mason lifted his beer. “To finding the loves our lives. May we always make them happy and love them with every ounce of our beings.”

We clinked bottles again and then took a drink. I sat back and let the moment sink in.

Harlee was mine, and I was never going to let her go. I might just take Brody’s advice and ask her to marry me tonight.

“Gentleman,” I said, putting my glass down, “Brody’s right. Life is short, so if you’ll excuse me, I need to go see a girl about a wedding.”


* * *


April 6, 2023



Spring is in the air, even though we’re waking up to some chilly temperatures this morning! The forecast today at eight a.m. was 34. You have to love Maine weather. Keep bundled up, my fishes.

Now, do I have a juicy bit for you today. Word on the beach is there’s a little debate among all of you about who’s the favorite Seaside couple. I’d like it noted that I was not the one who promoted this little battle, but I’m here for all of it!

Couple number one is Palmer Bradley and Dr. Mason Bryan. Everyone adores how this love story is going, and with Palmer and Mason set to walk down the aisle this summer, they seem to be the front-runners—especially since their story has been going on a little longer than that of our second couple.

Couple number two is still together, even if the betting books had her dumping him within the first month. Harlee Tilson, our very own Princess of Seaside, and Braxton Bradley, our former Catch of the Season—who is no longer available to catch—are the couple running a close second from what my seagulls tell me. And no, Braxton is not the Prince of Seaside, no matter how many times he signs his column that way. Who in their right mind gave that man a spot in the paper, anyway? That is a debate for another day.

Personally, I’ll give it to Harlee and Braxton. They’re going strong after a solid month of dating, give or take a few days. Harlee seems to shine when she’s with Braxton, and he practically falls all over himself in her company.

Speaking of Catch of the Season, stay tuned for this year’s candidate announcements coming up next week! Voting will start the week after.

I’ll be keeping my ear to the docks for the latest news on couplegate!

Fair winds and following seas!

Ms. Seaside

PS. Braxton, please stop referring to me as Ms. S, or I’ll crown you with a new title that I promise you won’t like.

* * *

The bell above the door rang as I stepped into the Seaside Grill for the last time. Well, not the last time. But the last time with Barbara and Keegan as its owners.

“Good morning!” I approached the table across from our normal Thursday and Saturday meeting spot.

Palmer looked up from a notebook and smiled. “Ahh. The competition.”

With a roll of my eyes, I sat down. “I can’t even with this woman.”

“Or man,” Sutton added with a giggle.

Lori, one of the new waitresses Ruby hired, took my order and hurried to get my coffee.

“Any progress on who Ms. S might be?” Addie asked before she took a bite of her bagel.

I shook my head. “No, and I’m honestly ready for Brax to give it up. I don’t even care who she is anymore.”

Palmer leaned back and smirked. “Not so fun when she’s constantly writing about you, is it?”

My chest squeezed with guilt. A part of me wanted to tell Palmer the truth. I knew that was out of the question though. No one could know. Ever. “Fine, I will admit that it does get rather annoying,” I said. “I think if Ms. S hears it, then she believes it to be true. I stopped by the library the other day and overheard two women in the cooking section throwing out bets on if Brax and I would have a baby before you and Mason. I poked my head around the corner and asked them both to stop with the baby talk because if Ms. S heard them, I’d be pregnant by next week.”

The three of them laughed.

“Mason and I have agreed to enjoy each other for a bit before the B word is brought up,” Palmer said.

I nodded. “I really just want to spend time with Brax before we bring a third party into all of this.”

“Hey, why do I feel like you’re dissing me and Sutton?” Addie asked.

“Not at all!” I quickly said. “In a way, I envy you both starting a family with the loves of your lives. But for me, I really just want it to be the two of us for a while. The last few years we’ve only been at each other’s throats, so it’s nice just being able to love him. And the sex is amazing.”
