Page 158 of Doomsday Love

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She’s teasing me. Tempting me. Bringing me up with her. Her hands finally clutch my face and she kisses me fiercely. I come like never before.

I let go, my body locking as she grinds her pussy around my cock. It feels so fucking amazing. None of the women I’ve slept with while Jenny and I were apart can compare. I haven’t had sex this passionate—this deep or this great— since the last time I saw Jenny in Fox River.

Only she can pull this out of me. Only she can please me, not only physically, but emotionally as well. We have this connection that is hard to break. Though we have our differences, we are insanely compatible.

She is soft and sweet and feminine. I am hard, gruff, and manly. I am an animal and I don’t deserve her. But she thinks I deserve her, plus more.

How can any man deny such a feeling? Feeling something so deep and raw for someone that it cuts your heart into tiny pieces when you are away from them for even a day?

That pain is something I don’t want to experience again. I consider it a sacrifice—that time I spent away from Jenny. It was so I could get my life together and so she could leave Fox River like she always wanted to. She deserved to get away.

But look at us now.

Going back to the place we swore we never would return to, tomorrow.

We must be insane… at least that’s what I think, until I realize we are going together.

Together, we can accomplish and conquer anything, even the demons from our past. Together, nothing can stop us.

“I love you,” she says, and that’s all I need to hear.

We’ll be okay.

I know it.

Chapter 42


I look through the window, at the white jet that’s waiting for Drake and me to board. Or should I say Doomsday because that’s the name on the jet. In bold, fierce blue letters.

I’m surprised that his signature logo is a fist, similar to the one that represented the Dirty Dawg Pit. I guess he wants people to remember where he came from. Where he started.

Or maybe this is a reminder for him every time he sees it. To remember where he came from, and if he messes up, how easily it could be to slip back into that dreadful reality.

“Oh, Jenny,” Kylie groans as she swiftly pulls me in for a tight hug. “I’m so glad I could see you. And even happier that things have worked out with you and the D-man.”

I smile. “I am too, Kylie. Though, I think I should still scold you for setting this up.”

She laughs, holding her hands out. “Hey, I was only helping a friend in need.” Her eyes slide over to Oscar who is talking to Drake about his schedule. “You guys be good to each other, okay?”

I look at Drake. “Trust me. I don’t think we’re letting go again.”

“Well, good.” She plants a hand on her hip, and just as she begins to talk about a pair of shoes she found yesterday, her topic is rudely interrupted.

Otto steps between us, throwing an arm over both our shoulders and tugging us in.

“Otto!” I laugh.

“What? Do I smell? I mean, I know I do, but I swear I’m heading back to the hotel to take a shower after this. Just had to come see one of my favorite girls off.”

Kylie scoffs. “Favorite girl? Isn’t that what you were saying to that blonde stripper you shagged at the club?”

“Shh!” he hisses, playfully narrowing his eyes. “She doesn’t need to know that. See, you’re blowing my friendly mojo. If you plan on being my future sister-in-law, you gotta play along!”

Kylie and I look at each other before snorting. “You are such a douche,” she jokes.

“So I’ve been told.”

Drake and Oscar come our way. Drake has his suitcase in hand and when he meets up to me, he smiles. “We can board now. You ready?”

“Yes.” I nod.

“Kay.” He turns to look at the rest of the clan. “I’ll see you boys back in Cali. Kylie, I’m sure I will see you again soon.”

She bobs her head, pressing her glossed lips. “You will. You guys have a safe flight—and be good to my girl!” she calls as Drake turns with his arm draped around me.

He peers over his shoulder. “I’ll be the best damn thing to ever happen to her, again. You have my word.”

I grin up at him. We walk down the hallway with our suitcases and when we get outside, the pilot greets us.

His name is Ryan. He has bright blue eyes and pale blond hair. He seems nice.

As I sit down, in awe of the seats made of black leather and detailed with blue, I can’t help but think about where we’ll end up from here. Our destination in Fox River.
