Page 113 of Harder Betrayal

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“You have no idea how happy that makes me.”

“I told Bartholomew I could come back whenever he needs me. He said he wants a year of service.”

Cauldron dropped his look at the topic. “He’s a stickler, isn’t he?”

“I think it’s a fair trade for what he did.”

“Can’t argue with that…”

“I think I’ll keep my apartment. That way, I have a place to go whenever I’m in town.”

“Why wouldn’t we stay at my place?” he asked. “It’s safer. There’s an entire staff waiting for us.”

“But what about when I come alone?”

“I doubt you’ll come alone, and if you do, that apartment is still yours. You’re the woman of the house. You could sell this place and give the money back to Grave.”

“That’s true…” It would be nice to return his money.

“We can figure it out later,” he said. “Right now…I’m just happy.”



I waited outside her apartment.

The nanny pulled out of the parking garage with the kids in the back seat, taking them to school in the morning. When the coast was clear, I walked right up to her front door and knocked.

I didn’t give her any warning. Just showed up.

She opened the door a moment later in her athleisure attire, like she was about to head to the gym for her daily workout. In tight leggings and a white sports bra, she was a fit chick with a sexy booty.

Her eyes were guarded as she looked at me, as if she anticipated the answer she didn’t want.

We stared at each other for a while.

“Can I come in?” I finally asked.

My voice seemed to snap her out of her focus. “Sure.”

We entered her living room, pictures of her and her kids everywhere. It was a home. It gave me a jolt of unease, but I’d already made my decision, and there was no going back. I faced her, seeing her fear linger in her eyes. Her arms moved across her chest, her usual posture when she was putting on a front.

“I want this.”

She tried to keep up her front, but slowly, she started to melt. “Yeah?”


She took a slow breath, a film moving over her eyes.

“I’ll sell the business. Live a quiet life. But I don’t want to rush into anything.”

“I never asked you to.”

“Someday…when I’m ready…I’ll meet them.”

She nodded. “That’s fine with me, Grave.”
