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Yeah…but he isn’t going to get me. My jaw clenches in resolve, refusing to even entertain the idea.

Nope. It was so not happening.

Chapter 8

A Mutually Convenient Relationship

Sam is still listing out the particulars of Kohl’s sick contract and having a marvelous time doing it, with apparently no concern for my reactions to it.

My throat tightens with that same weird thrill-fear I felt the other day in his presence. “God knows why he’d prefer me to a prostitute. I’m not…uh…‘skilled’ at that type of ‘labor.’”

Sam shrugs. “Maybe that’s not what he’s looking for.”

I shake my head. “This is ridiculous, Sam. You of all people know I will never be anyone’s mistress and why I have a very strong reason not to be.”

Sam looks up from the screen and studies me for a long moment, true sympathy in her eyes. “Mads…this isn’t like what your dad did. There’s a clause in here that specifically covers outside sexual relationships.”

I perk up. “Oh?”

“Yes, in that it forbids them…he can’t see anyone else romantically or sexually and neither can you. It’s exclusive. So it’s not like you’d be supplanting a spouse or a girlfriend. There are no children involved. It’s not even the same thing as your dad. He might be calling you a ‘mistress’ but you wouldn’t really be one in that sense of the word.”

I huff out a breath. “Let’s be clear here, okay? I won’t be one in any sense of the word.”

She sighs and returns her attention to the screen. “So what is your big hang up about this, besides the mistress label?”

I scrunch my brow. “It’s prostitution. He’s trading sex for…for…”

“He’s setting up a mutually convenient relationship. You’d be available to him for social outings, special events and sex.”

“Whenever he wants it?”

She shrugs. “It’s not clear. I think he’s leaving that open to negotiation.”

I let out a long, weary sigh. “God, this is so effing weird. Let’s just stop talking about it.”

Sam straightens and quietly closes the computer, leaning back against the couch. “So just for argument’s sake…” she starts.

I raise a brow but say nothing, reaching down to fiddle with a loose string on one of the threadbare throw pillows.

“You haven’t had sex for like…years, right?”

I shrug, failing to meet her gaze—or any of my other roommates. They, at least, have dates from time to time—or even more regularly than that. They all know damn well the answer to that question, anyway. “And…you found him attractive?”

I resist shooting her a glare. That’s the stupidest question ever. An inert rock would find him attractive.

“Did he get your lady parts warm and juicy?” Cassie chimes in.

“Shut up, Cassie,” Sam snaps. The two of them haven’t been getting along very well of late, and this conversation seems to be bringing that out.

“Yeah, Cass and Sam. Leave Maddy alone,” Avery says. At least I have one person on my side.

Cassie stands, grabbing a couple books that are sitting on the coffee table. “I’d love to stay, but I’ve got a class in ten minutes.”

Avery glances up at the clock. “Oh, shit. Me too.” She jumps up and snatches her backpack as well. “Good luck, Mads. You know, I’m on your side.”

“Thanks,” I say, watching them both leave.

Once Sam and I are alone, she turns back to me, her tone softening. “Maddy…consider this for a second. It could be an amazing opportunity for you. For one thing, you are broke as hell and about to have to pony up for one ginormous chunk of change for your doctorate tuition. Plus, you’ve been subsisting on ramen noodles for months and still owe me three hundred and forty bucks.”
