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Subject: re: Negotiations


It’s time to drop the pretense. You want this as much as I do. Any woman who kisses a man like you kissed me in that garden is begging to be fucked, plain and simple.


I blink at the words. Begging to be fucked.

My thoughts are cast back to that dream, and I’m instantly turned on all over again. I can still feel his lips pressed to mine, the heat of his breath, the taste of him on my tongue. I do want him. In fact, I’d like nothing more than to strip that tailored suit off his lean body and ride his cock like a cowgirl. But if it means degrading myself by signing up to be his mistress, then I’ll pass.

I reply immediately.

From: Swanson, Madeline

To: Kohl, Evan

Subject: re: Negotiations

Mr. Kohl,

There’s no pretense, and I can assure you I’m not begging for anything. Though I’ve noticed you haven’t answered my questions.


From: Kohl, Evan

To: Swanson, Madeline

Subject: re: Negotiations

Have dinner with me, and I’ll answer anything. Tonight, 8:00 p.m.


From: Swanson, Madeline

To: Kohl, Evan

Subject: re: Negotiations

I’m not that curious.


I close my laptop and check the time. Ten o’clock. I need to be at work in thirty minutes, and I haven’t even showered yet. I jump into the shower quickly, throw on some jeans and head out the door. I don’t have any classes until two o’clock, so I’ll get a solid three hours on my time card, which will help come payday.

As I walk into the coffee shop and grab my apron, I see Keith at the cash register. He turns as soon as I walk in. “Hey,” he says, lifting his chin.

I glance around the small sitting area. It’s empty. “Has it been this quiet all morning?”

Keith leans against the counter, and crosses his arms over his chest. “Yep. Everyone must be studying for exams.”

Which is exactly what I should be doing. Fortunately, I brought my books. Until exams are over, they’ll go everywhere with me.

“My exam is next week.” A knot forms in my stomach at the thought. I’ve been studying for weeks, but I still don’t feel prepared. “Do you think you could give me some pointers?”

Keith is a second year aerospace student, and passed his quals last year with flying colors. He’s one of the smartest guys I know, and at Caltech, that’s saying something. He’ll be in the same lab with me next year, provided I pass. We have the same advisor.
