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I swallow. “Yes,” I say. He lifts a brow, and I belatedly add, “—sir.”

He smiles, raising a hand to my hair and petting it like the aforementioned puppy. But I’m no longer burning with fury for him. Instead, I’m burning for release. “That’s a good girl.”

I can’t help it…a rush of satisfaction swells in my chest. As fucked up as it is, I crave his praise and approval. It’s like a drug coursing through my veins, and already I want more.

“On the bed,” he snaps. “Now. Facedown, legs apart.”

With a hop of fear, I turn and comply, just as he’s asked, pressing my cheek against the smooth, satin finish of his white comforter.

“Hands behind your back.” And when I do, he grabs another item off the dresser and settles the cold metal around my wrists. Handcuffs.

I suck in a breath, my cold fear returning—but also a thrill, a question of what will happen next.

The weight on the bed shifts, and he settles beside me. He lets out a long breath, which scurries over the skin of my naked back. “This is the test of the depth of your obedience to me, Madeline. You will not remove that collar. Nor will you leave until I say you may.” My mind freezes in shock, trying to process his words as he cups a large hand around my shoulder and pulls me so that I’m now face up. His hand travels to caress my face. “You promised to obey? Well, this is your chance to prove it.” He smooths my cheek, gazing over my features adoringly. “And in your complete submission, you’ll find a pleasure you never thought possible. I assure you.”

So much for going home to crawl into bed and forget about this miserable collar around my neck. I should have known this had all been too easy. It isn’t like Kohl to let something go without first exerting his control.

He touches the collar. “It’s locked in place and I know that you hate it now. But when this is done…you’ll love it. You’ll crave for me to put it on you.”

I turn my face away and bite back my reply. Like fucking hell I will.

Instead, when I speak, my voice comes out shaky, weak. “My roommates will worry about me. Especially after that scene at the club.”

“You’ll be allowed to call them. But you are not permitted to speak to him again. I won’t allow it. Not to study, not even in passing on the street.” My mouth drops open, but again, I don’t find the voice to protest. “You may make one phone call. But that is the extent of my generosity.” He grabs my cell phone off the dresser and plugs it into a headset. “Your security code?”

I clench my jaw, reluctant to give it to him. So even in this move of “generosity,” he is using this as an excuse to get even more control over me, via my phone.

“The choice is yours, Madeline. You can call them or not.”

With a heavy sigh, I tell him the code and he keys it in, opening up my contacts. “Let’s see, the girl I met the other night, the one from the club. Her name was Sam, right? Here she is. Let her know that you will be staying here for the week.”

I gape at him. “A week? Evan, I’m a full-time grad student. There’s no way I can skip out on a week’s worth of classes.”

He glares at me. “I will handle your professors.” He slips the headset on my head and dials the number. Then he leaves the room after having gathered my clothes from the floor.

Sam doesn’t answer her phone and I’m actually relieved that she won’t pepper me with questions that way. I leave a message telling her that Kohl surprised me with a last-minute trip to Mexico. It seems the easier explanation than the almost insane reality of me collared and handcuffed and naked on Evan’s bed.

Evan returns a few minutes later with a tray of food—cheese and fruit and some sort of thinly sliced meat, a tall glass of ice water and some ibuprofen. He sets them down on the nightstand, then bends to scoop up my phone and remove the headset from my head.

“You need to sober up. Eat and hydrate so you won’t be sick.” And then he continues darkly. “You’ll also need plenty of energy for what comes next.”

With that, he rolls me over again, unlocks one side of the cuffs and attaches it instead to the wrought-iron headboard. He points to a service button by the lamp. “When you need to use the bathroom, you’ll press on this button and I’ll free you for that.”

“How kind of you,” I bite in reply.

Instead of the angry reaction I’m half expecting, he actually grins, amused. “Now, now, Madeline. I know you intend to strike back with your angry words, but it only excites me more. I look forward to taming my little wildcat.”

And then he walks out the door, leaving me naked, chained up and alone.

My mind races, playing quickly over everything that’s happened between me and Kohl since the moment I stumbled into that penthouse suite for an “interview.”

Jesus. How the hell did I get into this?

Chapter 25


Through the haze of sleep, I feel a pair of strong hands travel up from my waist to my ribs, tugging on me, pulling me out of my dream. Then I feel a hand on my knee, spreading me open, exposing me to the cold air.
