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“Christ, I thought I’d lost you forever.” His voice is quiet, thick with emotion. “The way you shut me out. It was the worst feeling in the world. I don’t ever want to go through it again. I couldn’t think—I couldn’t breathe without you, Madeline.”

“We’re on even footing now, and there’s no contract, no guidelines. Just you and me. Trying at a relationship. This will be new territory for us. An adventure.”

“Madeline, I promise, with everything in me, I promise I’ll do everything I can to make you happy. To keep you here with me.”

I lift my head finally, and our eyes lock for a long, breathless moment. He’s frozen and I can read that residual terror of losing me on his handsome features. His jaw is still tense.

Rising onto my tiptoes, I tilt my head up and touch my lips to his. At first, the kiss is tentative—like two teens kissing at the front door on their first date. But soon the contact deepens. His mouth opens to mine and we are falling into that familiar zone—that world all our own where we are lost in each other for long moments while our heads move together, mouths open, tongues tangling, breath mingling.

My body fuses to his, and his arms tighten around me. In minutes, I’m flushed with joy and arousal and want nothing more than to be alone with this man and start our new beginning.

A rushed, hoarse whisper from me and he is whisking us out of the building, our hands cinched together. Just outside the building, there’s a clump of people waiting with their cameras poised—probably to grab the sequel to that dramatic scene in the lecture hall.

I curse that we didn’t take the back way out, but soon, Evan is directing us toward his car—parked illegally nearby. It speaks a lot to his status on this campus that he hasn’t already garnered half a dozen tickets or been towed away. He protectively shields me from the cameras as he opens the door for me and closes it after I sink into the buttery leather seat.

And soon we’re speeding through the streets of Los Angeles toward the freeway and Exeter House in Malibu. The only time he takes his hand from mine is when he needs to downshift the car.

An hour later, we aren’t inside the penthouse suite more than a minute before we’re in each other’s arms, holding each other and kissing passionately. Minutes later, our clothes are off and we’re indulging in each other. I bask in the feel of his warm skin on mine, his hard body moving over my own. The worship of his hands, his mouth, his body. I’d missed this. Not just the ecstasy, but the closeness, the understanding.

The chemistry between us is still off the charts.

Finally, we come up for air, holding each other close, our sweaty skin sticking together. I smile and sigh happily against his chest and he kisses the top of my head, locking his strong arm across my back to hold me to him.

“God, I missed this…right here. Just lying close to you again,” he murmurs.

“That’s not all you missed, though,” I tease.

Amusement rumbles in his big chest. “No, indeed. It’s not the only thing I missed. But we have a lot of fun…in more ways than just that. I have to say that after you left, this place was so empty and haunting for me that I barely spent a night here.”

I lift my head to look into his eyes, blinking with surprise. “Really?”

“Really. The first few nights, I couldn’t sleep. I’d just pace the floor. I thought I was going mad.”

I kiss his chest as if in consolation for that past turmoil. “This has been the shittiest month of my life. I was existing, but I wasn’t living.”

He nods in agreement. “That’s a good way to describe it.” His large hand comes up to smooth my hair. “I don’t ever want us to go through that again. I’ll do whatever it takes, Madeline. You are the one for me. The only one. I’m quite certain I recognized that when we met but interpreted it on a level of sexual chemistry.”

“Well, we do have that…in spades. So you weren’t wrong.”

“We have that, and mind-blowing as it’s been, it’s so much smaller than everything else we have. I don’t just want to fuck you until we fall down exhausted, I want to be with you. I think about telling you something new I heard or saw several times a day. When I come home from working or sit here waiting for someone to arrive, the person I want it to be is you. When I want to go and see the world—and yes, sometimes I do that for fun rather than just for work, but I can’t imagine going anywhere, exploring, or on new adventures without you.”

“I’ll be here, and I’ll also go with you wherever you want. I imagine that’s going to be easier once I’m done with school, but—”

“Of course, you’ll finish school. I can’t wait to introduce you to my colleagues as Dr. Madeline Swan, my brilliant, beautiful, amazing and gorgeous girlfriend.”

I laugh. “Not sure all those subjective adjectives are necessary.”

He smooths my hair again. “They absolutely are.”

“Well then, I guess you’ll be my stunning, breathtaking, generous and genius boyfriend, Mr. Evan Kohl.”

His hand links to mine, and our fingers lace together. He squeezes his fingers around mine, locking them together. “I have no desire to do anything for the next few days but to stay in this bed, make love to you, sleep and eat in order to get more energy to do it again.”

My thumb caresses his. “That sounds like heaven. Let’s do it. I’ve also been suffering from a serious case of orgasm-withdrawal. We have a whole month to make up for.”

“Damn, then I need to get my strength up, don’t I?”

I smile and look up at him again. “We both do. I don’t plan on coming up for air anytime soon.”
