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My brows shoot up. “What about your work?”

He shrugs a shoulder. “It might be possible for me to rearrange a bit.”

“Great, you think on that.” I wink at him, clutching a bundle of clothing to my chest. “Meanwhile, I’m taking a shower.”

I head into the palatial, marble-covered bathroom and turn on the shower. Once the water is hot, I step inside, relishing the feel of the hot water as it glides over me. I’m shampooing my hair when I hear the shower door open. I peek my eyes open briefly to spy a naked Evan stepping inside. His cock brushes against my ass as I rub the shampoo into my hair.

“You fucking tease,” I laugh. “Can’t I take a shower in peace?”

“No,” he says with that sexy accented baritone. “And it would please me if you rinsed that out, then got down on your knees.”

“Oh, would it?” I laugh. “And why would I do that?”

He cups my breast in his large hand, brushing his thumb over my nipple. “Consider it a New Year’s gift.”

After a kiss and a rinse, I do just that.

Once our shower is over, I busy myself preparing for our guests to arrive while Evan deals with the caterers who have just flooded into the penthouse. I’m actually really excited about tonight, because it’s the first time in a while I’ll get to see everyone. I’ve been so busy with school, and Evan, that I haven’t had time for much else.

Around four o’clock, people start arriving. Sam is first, of course, because she’s been dying for an excuse to get inside an Exeter House suite.

“Hey, babe,” she says, walking in with an armful of gifts. “Where do you want these?”

It’s New Year’s Eve, but it’s also our Friends-mas. We tried getting together before the holidays to exchange gifts, but too many people were traveling to see family and it just didn’t work out. Thankfully, everyone could make New Year’s Eve work.

“Just put them under the tree,” I say. “I left it up so we could do Friends-mas properly.”

She places them under the tree, then looks around the living room, taking in the lavish decor. “You have your own elevator! This penthouse is incredible. Exeter House really lives up to its reputation. The money in this place is so fucking unreal.”

“Yeah, I guess it’s not too shabby,” I say, laughing.

The rest of the crew trickles in over the next hour. When Keith arrives, I pull him into a hug. We’re both a little on edge, because in the past, Evan never really approved of my friendship with Keith—for the simple fact that Keith has a dick. But Evan and I are working on that foundation of trust, so this is all a grand experiment.

Evan walks over, and I can tell he’s evaluating the situation. “Hey, man,” he says, handing Keith a glass of scotch. “Thanks for coming.”

Keith looks confused but takes the glass. “Thanks for having me.”

Evan nods, clinks glasses with Keith, then moves on to greet the other guests. Keith and I glance at each other, shocked. “Well, it’s a start,” I laugh.

Keith takes a sip of his scotch. “As long as he doesn’t murder me for touching you, we’re good.”

Lexi arrives a few minutes later, and after she puts her gifts and purse down, I hand her a flute of champagne. “You’re late,” I tease. “You need to catch up.”

She accepts the champagne and takes a sip. “Thanks, babe! I actually can’t stay very long, but I wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year.” Leaning in, she gives me a hug. “God, you look so fucking happy, Maddy. I’m jealous!”

“I am happy,” I say, smiling. “But why the fuck are you jealous? You’ll find your person, too. Right time, right place and all that.”

She smiles coyly, like she’s got a secret. “Yeah, well, the right place, right time may have already happened.”

Oh, now I’m intrigued. “Do tell!” I say. “Who is he? What does he do? Do you have a picture of him?”

Lexi laughs. “Don’t worry, you’ll get all the details soon enough. You might already know him, actually. He’s a prospective Exeter House member.”

“Ohhhh, what’s his name?” I ask.

Lexi waves me off with a laugh. “I don’t want to jinx it. I’ll tell you when I tell you.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll be patient,” I laugh. “But I’m happy for you.”
