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I glance down at him, mouth hanging open in complete disbelief. “Evan, what is this?”

“For a long time, I didn’t think I needed anyone. But the last year has shown me just how much I need you. I can’t breathe without you. Madeline Swanson—” He opens the small box and presents it to me. “Will you marry me?”

The ring is stunning and leaves me breathless. The band is a series of infinity symbols intertwined with diamonds, with a huge, glittering rock in the center. An obvious custom design. It must have cost a fortune, easily more than I’ve ever made in my life. I still have a hard time imagining that kind of wealth.

The room is so quiet all I can hear is the beating of my own heart. Six months ago, this wouldn’t have been possible—Evan humbling himself in front of anyone, let alone a room filled with friends and colleagues. It just shows how much he’s grown and opened up.

I smile down at him, my heart bursting with love for this man. “Yes.” The word escapes with a breathy sigh. “Yes, I will marry you, Mr. Kohl.”

The room erupts into cheers, but all I see is Evan and the relief that washes over his handsome face. He rises to his feet and slips the ring onto my finger, then pulls me into a deep, passionate kiss.

Then, breaking the kiss, he presses his forehead against mine. “I don’t know what I would have done if you’d said no,” he whispers.

I laugh a little. “I know exactly what you would have done. You would have pursued me relentlessly until I gave in.”

His lips twist into a devilish grin. “You know me so well, Madeline.”

“Yes, I do,” I say with a smile. “And I love you more than you will ever know.”

Chapter 38


I can’t breathe.

I have no idea what just happened, but it feels like I’m in an alternate reality. Like I’m somewhere outside myself, watching this happen to someone else.

In the dim light of the hotel room, I toss my dress on quickly and fumble around the unfamiliar room for my purse. I hear a voice calling out to me, but it sounds far away, and I honestly can’t even respond, so I don’t.

This isn’t real. It can’t be.

I stumble out of the exclusive Exeter House suite number 403 and rush barefoot down the hallway, purse and shoes gathered in my arms, clutched tightly so I don’t drop them. My feet slide along the slick marble floors as I make a beeline for the elevator. Crushing the up button, I glance over my shoulder to make sure no one is following me.

Especially not him.

But I’m alone in the dark hallway, thank God.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I’m trying to wrap my head around what just happened, but I can’t think straight. My heart is hammering so hard against my ribs, it feels like my entire body is vibrating. And my lungs feel tight, like I can’t draw in a full breath. Lord. I’m going to pass out, right here in the middle of the hallway, facefirst into a plush rug.

A ping, and the elevator slides open. My salvation.

Thank you, sweet baby Jesus.

I rush inside and frantically push the close door button, then immediately select the penthouse, where I know Maddy is staying with her fiance, Evan. Or at least I hope they’d made it back up to their room by now. We were all just downstairs for hours at the elegant restaurant Isca, enjoying their elaborate and very expensive engagement party.

They are definitely still in the building, but will they be back in their penthouse yet? What will I do if they aren’t there yet?

Oh, my God, please be there.

The penthouse button lights up briefly, then switches off. I push the button again and again and again, but the same thing happens. Damn. I have no special code or pass key to get me to the members-only part of Exeter House. With a frustrated sigh, I press a button to head down to the lobby instead.

God, I hope he didn’t think to come down here too. That would be beyond awkward. Halfway down to the ground floor, after digging through my tiny clutch, I discover that my phone isn’t there. My mind is racing as I try to think through the blurry cocktail of alcohol and adrenaline currently zinging through my veins. The last time I used it, I was sitting at the bar downing drinks to get my courage up.

Shit. I must have left it there. After hopping to pull on my shoes and zipping my dress back up, I rush back to the bar, which has hardly anyone there and a different bartender. I check all around where I’d been sitting just an hour before and there’s nothing, so I ask the new bartender who directs me to the front desk.

Without missing a beat, I turn and race to the front desk in my slippery heels. The receptionist glances up at me, and her smile immediately melts into a look of concern. “Good evening, miss. Is everything all right?”
