Page 54 of Requital

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“I’m in the living room,mi oso.”

I never understood why he always came back to The Tillary Hotel until I also started staying here with him. Hawke will tell you there isn’t any particular reason for his preference, but we all know it’s because of his relationship with the concierge, Jimmy. Not only does he frequent the same hotel, but he also always reserves the same room, one that resembles a tiny apartment. It has made our trips to Brooklyn more comfortable over the last year.

Sitting beside me, he begins by asking how my video conference went. Even though Hawke realizes I can’t tell him any specific details about my clients unless he’s been granted approval, he always asks. I don’t think he’ll ever truly understand how much I appreciate him and the things he does for me.

“It’s more of a work in progress,” I admit. “The story keeps evolving, making treatment options trickier than originally believed.”

Grabbing my hand, Hawke smothers it with his own. “If anyone can help your client, it’s you, sweetness.”

Until I met Hawke, I was never interested in relationships. For the longest time, my idea of a relationship was being controlled by one man. The thought of being in a relationship brought back memories from when I was kidnapped, and I never wanted to feel that helpless again, so I opted for one-night stands only.

When I met Hawke, I believed I was helping him deal with the trauma from his past, yet I hadn’t realized until I was completely smitten that Hawke was doing the same for me. This man before me has always believed in me, seeing something that I couldn’t or maybe didn’t want to see.

“I hope you are right, Hawke, because if I can’t, this poor girl will never escape her monsters,” I sadly concede.

Tightly gripping my hand, Hawke tells me to believe in myself. My patient, he goes on to say, doesn’t need any textbook treatment plans. She needs someone with patience who is a good listener, and there is no better listener than me.

Leaning forward, he kisses my forehead and tells me he loves me. The act itself could just be deemed as affectionate, but I know my man better than most, and if I’m correct, he is finally about to tell me what’s been bothering him.

“You recall me telling you about our suspicions that Patrick Miller is the new El Mazir?” blurts Hawke.

I nod my head, and he continues, revealing that the CIA believes Sean and Hadley have been compromised. I’m sure he has already mentioned this, but I allow him to continue. Hawke informs me of a mission Sean joined in Afghanistan to gather intel on who had stepped into Christopher Asher’s shoes. When in Afghanistan, Sean believes it was Patrick he saw with the remaining terrorist group, but he couldn’t be certain at the time. Upon his return to the states, Sean, Hadley, and Grace were moved to a secure location known only by Hawke’s colleague, Earl, and the head of the CIA.

The thought of Sumner trying to contact Hadley bursts into my head, but not wanting to interrupt, I keep it to myself. Like he’s on a mission, Hawke admits he is concerned for Earl’s safety because it’s believed Patrick is also currently in Brooklyn. Although he’d like to believe that Patrick is here to do business with the Alexandria family, he’s got a sinking feeling that his friend is in dire trouble. Earl will be the easier target if Patrick is seeking Sean’s location.

“How do you plan on finding him?” I finally interrupt.

“With your assistance,” he ever so quietly replies.

“How can I assist?” I inquire.

“By becoming the bait.”

Before the last word leaves his mouth, his head is already dropped, his eyes fixed on the sofa cushion beneath him. Silence smothers the room like a blanket as Hawke refuses to look at me, and I try and get my head around what he is asking me to do.

“If I agree,” I begin, finding my composure. “What do you need me to do?”

Looking up, Hawke’s eyes widen with surprise. “Are you actually considering doing this?”

Grabbing his hand, tightly gripping it, I lean closer and tell him yes. I admit it took me by surprise initially, but I also trust him. If I believed that my life would be in danger, I’d never consider it. There would be no way Hawke would put my life or the life of his unborn child at risk, and I tell him so.

“What do you need me to do?”



Sometimes I forget the kind of person Emily is and just what she is capable of. That woman of mine survived being kidnapped and brutally abused by Jason Alexandria, yet all I’ve been able to see when I look at her is vulnerability. I’ve just been too damned afraid to admit it, but her pregnancy has made me extremely cautious. Regardless of what Emily has lived through, past and present, I should know she is anything but vulnerable.

“We need you to contact Patrick and arrange a meeting.”

When I told her what we needed her to do, I’m not ashamed to admit I was terrified, and it showed. I haven’t felt that defenseless in such a long time, and it’s not a feeling I am comfortable with.

I admit when Em asks that we’re not entirely confident Patrick will fall for the trap. For all we know, he could be two steps ahead of us, anticipating our next move. Moving from the sofa, Emily walks toward the kitchen, where her cell is charging.

“Where do I ask Patrick to meet me?” I hear her call.

“The CIA Headquarters,” I quickly reply. “It’s the safest location for everyone.”
