Page 62 of Requital

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When he came home after rescuing Sean three nights ago, the man I adore appeared more closed off than usual. When I asked him if he wanted to talk about it, he shut me down with his normal response of “I’m fine.” I knew he was lying, but I didn’t want to push too hard at the time.

“Em, have you seen my boots?” Hawke yells from the bedroom. “I swear I left them in here last night.”

Smiling, I walk into the room with his boots in my hand.

“You mean these old things?” I grin when he glances up at me.

Grabbing his boots, he thanks me before exiting the room.

The smile that engulfs his face melts my heart.

The sound of his whistling suddenly livens the silence, brightening my mood. I’ve always been intrigued with how quickly music of any form can affect our psyche. When I was in college, I remember my professor telling us about the profound effect music can have on our emotions and bodies.

I don’t know how Hawke switches his moods in the manner he does, but today, it may have something to do with the fact he will be spending the day with Sumner and Abi.

With the mission completed and Patrick dead, Hawke and I decided to spend a few more days in Brooklyn to help Sumner and Tatum with the final wedding preparations. In fact, Jackson told everyone who had been a part of this mission to take some vacation days. They have been living this nightmare for too long, and now that it has closure, he wanted his team to take a well-earned break, particularly Mark and Charlie.

“Sumner has texted; she and Abi will meet us at Harmony Playground.”

There is a Joyce Meyer quote that my professor in college used to live by that focused on how we can’t have a positive life if we have a negative mind. Hawke is the living epitome of that quote. If there is any morsel of negativity in his mind, it will be well and truly buried as his positivity for life shines bright enough to blind you.

“Do you have Sumner’s gift?” I question as he opens the door.

“Damn,” he grumbles, racing back to the bedroom.

When Sumner’s father was arrested and they removed his possessions, he was found with an item of jewelry once believed to have been sold …Sumner’s mother’s wedding ring. Because Sumner never wanted any of her father’s possessions, Hawke discussed with the man for them to be stored instead. When I say she never wanted any of them, it also includes everything within the apartment he shared with his wife.

On the day of his incarceration, he asked to speak with Hawke privately. Not understanding what he could possibly want to discuss, Hawke agreed anyway, which is when he learned about the wedding ring. According to Sumner’s father, he had been holding onto the ring to give to Sumner, but because of everything that happened, he could never find the right moment. He knew his actions toward his wife and daughter were wrong, and although he had suffered with remorse, he knew nothing he said would ever change them.

He asked to speak with Hawke to hand over the wedding ring in the hope that it would one day find its way to Sumner. Her biological father knew he’d lost any chance of ever reconnecting with his daughter, so he gave the ring to the man who’d taken his place. Hawke has been holding on to that ring for a year now, waiting for a day like today when he can finally give it to its rightful owner.

“Got it.” He smiles as he gestures for me to lead the way.

I’ve always believed I was the luckiest woman on earth to find a man like Hawke, but his heart has never solely belonged to me, and I’m okay with that. He also holds a special place in his heart for his deceased wife and daughter, our unborn child, Sumner, and baby Abi.



I have been holding on to this ring for a year now, and there has never been a better time to pass it on to its rightful owner. The gesture from her birth father was something none of us had expected and only came about because of his incarceration and guilt over his actions. To know he’d been holding on to it since his wife’s death was a surprise as we had believed that all her personal belongings were disposed of.

I wanted to pass it on when Abigail turned one, yet as always, something came up, and the timing wasn’t good. Every time I have traveled to Brooklyn, it has been in my possession, but this has been the only trip where I’ve felt comfortable giving it to Sumner.

“Hey, Dad,” Sumner calls when she sees us. “Abi has something she wants to show you.”

As Emily and I continue to walk toward them, I watch Sumner lift Abi from the swing she’s restrained in. When she places her on the ground, it’s in a standing position, and she is only holding on to Abi’s fingers. It takes me a few moments to realize what is happening, but when I do, my gorgeous little granddaughter is taking slow, hesitant steps in my and Emily’s direction. Giggling, her little stumpy legs are spread wide apart, and her arms stretched out in front of her as she moves one foot forward and then the other.

Our Abi girl is walking!

“Hey, baby girl,” I call. “Come to pop, pop.”

The laughter that escapes her mouth when she finally reaches me makes my heart swell. Hugging her little body to mine, I whisper that I am proud of her and love her. I realize she has no idea what I am saying, but it means so much to me to have her and her mother in my life.

“She is pretty much walking everywhere now,” Sumner confirms when she catches up to us.

“It has been adorable to watch,” I hear Emily whisper.

Linking her arm with mine, Sumner continues talking as we approach her picnic blanket. Apparently, she had sworn Emily to secrecy so that Abi could show me how clever she was. Laughing, I warn Sumner that there will be no rest for her now that little Abi is walking, as she will be into everything. Groaning, she admits that’s already happening, yet she wouldn’t have it any other way.
