Page 84 of Match Foiled

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The crowd was no kinder to her, and she couldn’t gain enough speed to catch up to him. She kept the green jacket in her constant line of sight as she squeezed her way between people who shouted insults after her.

Probably frustrated with the throng of people, he took a right down a smaller street. There was no way she could catch up by following him. Instead, she took a right turn herself down a parallel street and ran as fast as she could. If he went in the opposite direction, she would lose him.

She took a left turn and hit a hard chest running toward her. Only the flash of a green jacket as she turned to avoid falling warned her that this was her follower. She crouched and put her foot out to trip him.

He stumbled but didn’t fall, and he seemed ready to keep running. She pounced and jumped on his back, pulling her arm around his neck. He anticipated the attack and grabbed her arm away with two strong hands, flipping her over.

She would have landed on her back, but she used her other arm to push off his shoulder and landed in a crouch in front of him. With his way blocked, he assumed a fighting stance and Thalia got her first good look at him.

He looked to be in his forties, his handsome face lightly marked with lines. He had eyes that sparkled under strong eyebrows and a square jaw with a mouth that lifted into a smile as he looked her over. His body, from what she could tell with the jacket on, was all muscles, and he stood a head taller than her.

She’d never seen him before.

“Why are you following me?” she asked.

For an answer, he bounded forward and reached for her. She reacted quickly, moving her body into his space and tripping him. He fell on his back, and she took the opportunity to get the upper hand. She dropped her knee to his chest, pushing hard into his solar plexus, and brought her hands to his throat. One hand she wrapped around the thick muscles of his neck. Realizing quickly that there was no way she would be able to crush using just her fingers, she dropped her other forearm just under his chin and pressed hard enough to make it uncomfortable for him.

Shit. It was not a good position to be in. He was taller and stronger than her, and he wouldn’t have much trouble lifting her weight off him. But she’d learned that sometimes just appearing to know what you’re doing could subdue an opponent into submission. She pushed her arm harder, and he made a gagging sound.

“Why are you following me?” she repeated.

He moved his lips but no sound came out.

She released the pressure on his neck only slightly.

He smiled, taking Thalia by surprise.

“What’s so funny?” Her voice sounded angry to her own ears.

“It’s been a while since a woman has jumped on me.” He grabbed her legs with two large hands and squeezed them lightly. She felt the gesture through the thin fabric of her pants, making her skin come out in goosebumps. “Just so you know, I’m really notthathard to get.”

“Stop touching me.” She kept her tone hard despite feeling a little off balance.

“You first, Thalia.”

The way he whispered her name almost made it sound dirty. “You know who I am?”

His eyes brightened in amusement. “I’m not following you just because you’re hot.”

She applied a little more pressure to his neck.

“Are you offended?” His breath sounded pained. “You prefer beautiful?” He continued talking like she wasn’t making it almost impossible to breathe. “Nah, brave and strong. That’s the compliment you’d prefer.”

“I’d prefer you shut up and tell me why you’re following me.”

He sighed, but with his windpipe squashed, it came out raspy.

“So this flirting isn’t going to turn into a night of passion?” He managed to keep his smile despite his obvious difficulty breathing.

She growled in frustration. “I’ll passionately kick your ass if you don’t answer my question.”

He winked and squeezed her thighs again. And damn if that didn’t send electricity shooting up and down her back.

His smile turned crooked as he bit down on his lower lip. “Now threaten me with handcuffs and I can pass out a happy man.” His face turned redder as she pressed down.

“No?” he asked.

Before she could think of a reply, he lifted her legs up—to her disgust, rather effortlessly—bent one knee up, and pushed against her stomach with his foot. She flew backward and, throwing her hands back to break her fall, landed hard on her butt.

“That’s too bad,” he said, rolling onto his front and jumping to his feet.

She also rolled to get into a better fighting stance, but by the time she stood up, he’d already run off.

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