Page 9 of Loving Goldie

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“One last thing. Soft touches. We love that.”

“Soft touches?”

“Yeah. You’ll figure it out. Oh, and when you’re next to her, like in a group of people, don’t monopolize the conversation. Let her talk and—”

“Okay, okay. Now you’ve gone too far. That sounds like how you’d Zak act. I’m not getting in the middle of that. Good night.” Chuckling, I finally made my escape and left, feeling a bit overwhelmed from her extremely specific suggestions.

The information Harlowe shared about Goldie’s ex may be new, but one thing was for sure. New Year’s Eve was the perfect time to show Goldie exactly how serious I am about her. I was all for the soft touches, longing glances and I was definitely all in on a new beginning.

Almost twenty-four hours later, I was back in my cousin's house surrounded by friends. Across the room was Goldie. She’d arrive about a half an hour ago with her friend Kiersten and she looked as beautiful as ever but also… a bit sad.

Recalling Harlowe’s advice, I finally made my way over to her side. I didn’t want to pounce on her the moment I saw her, but she was also not looking in my direction. I wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or not, but the chance to flirt with her, look at her with longing and desire in my eyes was a bust.

Grabbing two glasses of champagne, I made my move. Goldie’s avoidance whether intentional or not, was not going to keep me from what I wanted—her.



I wandered the room,still in a bit of a fog from the news I’d received shortly before leaving work earlier. Ben, the private investigator, called me to inform me that when the process server went inside the clinic to wait for my ex to show up. He overheard the nurses discussing a patient who’d no longer be coming in for treatment. Lance. He’d passed the night before. A neighbor had discovered the body. Apparently, his form of cancer had been stage four, and he’d waited too long to begin treatment. There would be no chance at a reconciliation for Lily Ann with her father.

Without thinking, I’d gone into fix it mode after ending the call with the PI, but it wasn’t my problem to fix. The courts would receive word from the process server and the local coroner’s office would send a copy of the death certificate at some point to them and the case would be closed. And then I stopped myself. Why was I once again worrying over things out of my control? Hadn’t I dealt with enough over the last decade? A part of me would mourn Lance, but not now. I hadn’t seen him in years, and he hadn’t been a factor in any of my decisions for a very long time. But my heart ached for my little girl. The chance of any kind of relationship with her father was gone.

I’d worked hard this past year, and I didn’t need to spend any more time wishing things could be different. I’d learned that if I wanted change, I needed to change how I responded to obstacles put in my path.

When Kiersten texted me making sure I was still going with her to the Carter’s New Year’s Eve party, I said yes. I’d already told Lily Ann she could spend the night at her friend Maggie’s house, so I couldn’t use that excuse when Kiersten showed up at my place an hour ago. She took one look at me, asked me what was wrong, and I burst into tears. The friend that she was, she listened till the end when I had no more tears to spill or story to tell. She convinced me getting out the house was the best thing for me, and I agreed. I knew I needed to get out of my head, forget all my problems, old and new, and enjoy myself.

I’d deal with that tomorrow. Tonight would be about me, relaxing with friends and celebrating the new year because god knew the past year had its ups and downs and I was ready to build upon the good things that had come my way. I was still sad that having the hysterectomy, although the best thing for my body, for my health, had also taken away all possibility of giving Lily a sibling. But our life was good. And I was grateful for everything.

Plus, I had a hot guy whose kiss had made me feel desirable again. I didn’t need forever, and maybe he wasn’t looking for that either. But there was only one way to find out.

A voice over the background noise of the party filtered toward me, and I immediately recognized it. Ford.

Avoiding him at work had only temporarily put off what I needed to say to him. To apologize and hopefully repair our working relationship.

My doctor had given me the all-clear for sex at my four-week post-op checkup and if I could convince Ford that we could share one night together and by scratching an itch, it didn’t have to equal commitment or cause any awkwardness at work.

I knew he was nothing like Lance. It finally sunk in that I didn’t need to use him as an excuse any longer. Not in my dating life. Well, my new and improved dating life anyway.

We’re adults and I’m sure he’d welcome my honesty and besides, what guy would turn down no-strings attached sex?

“Goldie. Hi. I’m glad to see you could make it.”

Ford’s low, growly voice sent a wave of shivers through me. He’d managed once again to sneak up to me unnoticed. But my body was on full alert now. At six three, I had to tip my head back to meet his eyes. The look in them had me wishing we were already alone.

“Ford. I’m glad too, thank you.” I took the champagne glass he handed me and took a small sip. I didn’t drink much and didn’t plan to have more than a couple glasses tonight. “I was hoping we’d have a chance to talk. I owe you an apology from the other day. I overreacted. I let a situation from my past get in the way. I know you would never intentionally put me in a compromising position. I’m sorry.”

Instead of responding, he took my hand and led me to a corner of the room where there were few people. I took the opportunity to check him out and build up my nerve for what I wanted to say next. His six three, leanly muscled frame had been in a few of my fantasies since I started my job. Okay, more than a few. And I really wanted to see what was under the tailored, long sleeved black button down that showed off his physique perfectly.

“I wanted to say sorry as well. I should have immediately gotten what you were saying, but in my typical fashion, I thought my way was better. I will never put you in a position like that again. You have my word.” Ford took my free hand, wrapped it in his, then kissed my fingers.

Wow! His lips feathered over my skin, sending a direct arrow of need through me. My panties were already wet from the look he gave me earlier, but now they were soaked.

“I, ah…I accept your apology. And I also wanted to let you know how very much I enjoyed that kiss. At my house the other day. I don’t play games, Ford. But I also don’t want you to think I’m trying to make this attraction between us, uh…. Could you stop doing that please? I can’t think straight with you touching me and looking at me like you want to eat me up.”

His lips lifted slightly at both corners, giving me a final dose of confidence. “Forget what I just said.” Lifting up on my toes, I kissed his grinning mouth the said, “Take me home.”

