Page 17 of Fated

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I’ve been skimming it for now, trying to see what’s most important. There’s so much in here to come back to, it’s everything we need to know about our mating. I have a feeling this book will be key in convincing people our mating is real and that their mates could be out there in other species. Everyone will need to read it, but for now, I’ll fill them in on the important stuff.

I didn’t get much done when I had the guys surrounding me pretending to read it too. They ended up messing around and joking with each other.

I stop when I notice a section about familiars. I’m surprised it’s in this book, but we will take any information we can get. The chapter isn’t too detailed on the bond between hunter and animal, but it does talk about how that bond extends to mates.

Apparently, when we mated Aly, we got a weaker, secondary bond with Bailey. It would explain why Bailey spends time with us as well, why he seems protective of all of us.

I read more from the book.

Mates can influence the familiar’s actions or call the animal to them, like their hunter. The familiar will listen to their hunter over anyone else but a mate can also build that bond. The more time spent together, the stronger the bond.

That means Aly is able to call Bailey to her. We should practice that because Bailey has already come to us in a time of need and been invaluable. We need to be sure we can do it again.

There’s nothing more about familiars here, so I keep flipping through the book.

I get really excited when I see a section on power-sharing.

hunters can refill their magical stores through physical contact with their mate or mates. The skin to skin contact transfers energy to the hunter without draining their mate.

So it’s like how Kiran and I gain power from the emotions of people without draining the actual host. This is outstanding. No wonder Aly hardly runs out of power, one of us is usually touching her.

I hear her leave the room with Nic and walk into the living room, so I call her over, excited to share the information!

“Aly, come here!”

She makes her way over to the couch, sitting next to me and I can’t help but admire the ruffled look she has after being with Nic.

“What’s up Jax? How’s the book going?”

“Well, answer me this. Do you feel more recharged than you did twenty minutes ago?”

I’m testing the theory.

She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Of course I do. Time helps replenish my magic.”

I don’t think she even knows how slow magic usually recovers because she’s always had us around. This is probably a normal pace for her. Then she’ll go to bed tonight, surrounded by her mates and wake up completely refreshed.

“Actually, in such a short time, you shouldn’t be experiencing that much energy,” I say matter of factually.

She smiles at me like I’m adorable but I’m not sure why, I’m just informing her. “You’re so cute. And do you have a theory on why my magic is replenishing so quickly?”

Oh. “The book says skin to skin contact with your mates gives you energy. We wouldn’t have noticed it since we are always together.”

Her smile grows as she rests her hand on my arm. “So you’re saying I’m recharging now, just by touching you?”

I nod.

“This is incredible!”

I’m so glad I was able to help by finding useful information in this book. It would be a lot worse if the book was a dud.

Aly leans in, pressing her body against my side and whispers, “want to help me recharge?”

My initial reaction is to blush but all the cravings I’ve had for Aly quickly take over. I’ve had years to think of all the things I want to do to my mate and knowing it’s Aly makes every fantasy ten times hotter.

I want to devour her, own her and make her mine in every sense of the word.

Grabbing her hips, I swing her onto my lap.
