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Ryan was my boyfriend, and I had no idea he was a vampire or supernatural until he turned into a psychopath and tried to kill my friends via me. He turned me, siring me to him, meaning it’s built into me to want to obey him and make him happy. There unfortunately weren’t even any red flags in our relationship until it was too late.

Since he wanted Aly dead, I attacked her when she found me. I almost killed her, and I haven’t been able to forgive myself.

I don’t realize I’m fingering the necklace that blocks the bond, keeping me in control of myself until Nic looks down at it.

“I haven’t heard anything, and thankfully the necklace is still working perfectly.”

He nods, giving me a small smile. I think it’s supposed to be comforting, but nothing can calm me down when I think about Ryan. The bastard ruined my life and almost made me kill my best friend. I want him dead.

The stupid supernatural council was supposed to have found him by now. They took over the search and told us not to worry, but they failed.

Nic opens the door, and I rush out. The air is still warm even though the sun has gone down, and I can smell the blooming flowers. It should be calming, but nothing can calm the anger that is building in me.

At least I have a shift at the bar tonight. I can find someone who needs punishment to help purge this monster inside me.



The team and I were called into the supernatural council’s headquarters today. Since we are in the middle of an assignment, that is never a good sign.

“What do you think they want?” Griffyn asks, staring at us from the back seat.

“No idea. Maybe we won an award?” Felix suggests enthusiastically.

I reach back and hit him over the head with my palm. “You know that’s not it.”

First, the council doesn’t give out awards. There is very little praise involved in what we do. Second, they would not have summoned us so randomly if it wasn’t urgent. An award is not urgent.

“Did your dad say anything?” Felix hesitantly asks Aksel.

Aksel’s body stiffens, every muscle locking up at the mention of his father. I don’t know why Felix even brought it up.

“No,” Aksel answers gruffly.

We all stay silent for the rest of the drive.

Aksel pulls the SUV smoothly into a parking spot on the side of the imposing building.

It’s in an isolated part of Oregon, away from humans, with nothing on the outside to identify it as a magical building. Its inconspicuousness ends with its size, ten stories tall and takes up fifteen acres.

“You guys ready?” Felix asks.

Everyone sounds off in acknowledgment, but no one outright answers. None of us want to do this, but there isn’t a choice.

We fall into formation, walking into the building. Aksel in the front, me on his right, Griffyn on the left, and Felix next to him. There’s a woman who appears to be in her late twenties waiting there for us. Depending on her species, she could really be older than that. I take a discreet sniff; I always want to know what I’m dealing with.

The woman’s scent is smoky but not burnt like my dragon. She’s a dark fae, like Aksel.

“Follow me. The director is waiting for you,” She tells us before turning and heading down the hallway to her right.

“The director?” Felix whispers.

I ignore him, but I see Griffyn turn to acknowledge him.

At the end of the hallway, she runs her palm across the door, unlocking it. She steps back, indicating we should go in.

I steel my spine before following Aksel into the room. The director of the supernatural special teams unit turns around to face us. He’s a fellow dragon shifter who is over one hundred years old. His age barely shows except for the sprinkling of grey in his hair and beard. He’s tall and imposing, like me.
