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Lizzie sensed my lack of enthusiasm. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I’m processing the information right now.” I was lying through my teeth. “Hey, Liz, can you set a time up for me to meet with Mr. Sutton? I have a carpet emergency.” I hung up and stood looking at the phone as if it were a one-way ticket to hell. I didn’t want my time at the ranch to end. This new job was the first of many events to come that signaled my time as the interior decorator at the Brooks ranch was coming to a close.

I shifted my thoughts back to the matter at hand, getting paint colors up for Natasha to look at. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with her. The baby in my belly was making me more protective of her. When I entered the art room, I was happy to see one of the carpet installers ripping away in the corner. I opened the windows to let some fresh air in and let some dust out. Now I could start getting paint colors up.

I was not sure how long I was going through samples when I felt a tap on my thigh. It was Natasha. I knelt down and gave her a big hug, and she returned my affection. We rocked back and forth for about thirty seconds before I pulled away gently. “Are you ready?” Her toothy grin was followed by an exaggerated head nod. “Okay, I have five colors already done and ready for your approval.” I could tell she really liked that she was in control of the process. She went back and forth between the colors before looking at me, I knew she had some questions.

“Do I have to pick one color? Can I choose multiple colors?”

“Well, you can but we have to make sure the colors work well together. What are you thinking?” I watched as she showed me a nice light baby blue and an eggshell cream-colored shade. “Wow, not bad. Yes, those would work well together. Do you want to see how we can make them work?”

“Yes!” I got out two paint coveralls. I found a pair that fit her at party city. The clerk was able to find something from a Halloween costume that was small enough for her. I saw her big green eyes light up when she realized it was just for her. We both donned our coveralls and got paintbrushes and rollers out. I showed Natasha how to use painter's tape to keep the surfaces we wanted to protect guarded against any paint drips.

I poured the eggshell cream out for her and the baby blue out for myself. I showed her how to use the brush to paint a small area that was taped off while I did the same for the area I was going to paint. We both went to work. Natasha giggled as she got paint all over her coveralls and I added a bit of blue to make the experience more enjoyable. We started out intending to paint a small section but continued when I realized she was having so much fun.

We laughed and talked about things that happened at school, her classes, her teachers, and even her mom. I was surprised about the things she remembered. We had almost finished one entire wall when Chris walked in to check on Natasha.

“You okay peanut?”

Natasha looked around and gave her dad a big toothy grin, “I am great.”

“Are you guys almost done?”

“We are done,” I said. “What do you think? Could we book some professional jobs or what?”

Chris played along. “Well, there are a few runny spots but… I would hire both of you.”

Natasha ran to her dad and hugged him with her paint-stained coverall. “Now you're a professional painter too, Daddy.”

Chris scooped her tiny body up to get as much paint transfer as he could. “Yep, I think you are right.” Natasha’s little frame shook as she laughed at her dad’s attempt to tickle her ear and tummy.

I stood frozen, admiring the care and compassion he had for his child. I instinctively started to imagine him doing the same with my unborn child. As I watched them interact, I suddenly started to feel ill. I excused myself and made it to the closest restroom just in time to throw up into the toilet. I was on the floor for about ten minutes when I heard a faint knock on the door. “Yes, I am on my way out.”

“Are you okay?” It was Chris, the last person I wanted to see right now.

“I am fine. Be out shortly.” I quickly flushed the toilet and cleaned up. I hoped he wasn’t waiting at the door. My hair is a mess. I walked out of the restroom and he was standing a few feet away.

“Natasha has been asking about the rain check for dinner,” he said. “Are you free tonight?”

I was in no mood to honor the rain check after having my first experience with morning sickness—at 5 p.m. Just my luck. “Unfortunately, I think I may be coming down with a bug. Maybe another night?” I could tell he was disappointed and I couldn’t help but wonder if this kind man could hurt anyone.

“Okay, so sorry to hear that. Are you leaving now?”

“Yes. I’m going to head out. It’s a big day tomorrow. The master bedroom will be done and I can put all my time and energy into the art room.” I felt a sliver of guilt for leaving Natasha so abruptly, but I couldn’t explain going back and forth to the restroom during dinner. “Please kiss Natasha for me and let her know I will see her when she gets home from school tomorrow.”

I couldn’t make it outside fast enough. I ran to the flower bed nearest to my beaten-up Buick and my inside exploded onto the lilies.



The knock on the door was ominous. Peter had called a few hours earlier to warn me of the goon squad getting ready to raid my ranch. I had already gotten my office in order and discarded the genetics lab envelope I found in the safe. I did not need them to find out what that was about before I did. I had Brandon take Natasha to school so I would be there when they arrived. I went to the door and they pushed past me, after handing me a copy of the warrant. It was the same goons that visited a few weeks back: Parker and Brown. They started in my office, ripping through my filing cabinets, my desk drawers, my trash can, and anything else that they thought would make my life miserable. They were pulling picture frames apart to check for God knows what.

Peter arrived minutes later and immediately examined the warrant to make sure they colored within the lines. I wasn’t nervous but I probably should have been. I was not sure what they were looking for and they were not giving any hints. I was huddled with Peter in the kitchen when an officer alerted me to a matter that needed my attention outside. Peter followed me out the door. That’s when I saw the floor installers and painter standing in the driveway puzzled because they were told they couldn’t enter. That’s when I remembered that I didn’t call Sam to request a one-day pause in the renovations. Shit, this is the last thing I need right now, the trades getting nervous about not getting paid. I tried my best to console them but they spoke very little English. Brandon drove up during my botched attempt at Spanish and quickly took over the conversation.

Peter and I went back inside to keep an eye on the cops tearing my house apart.

“Mr. Brooks, can you come with me please?” That was Detective Brown.
