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My legs felt like Jell-O as I walked to the front door of my building, someone was walking out so I didn’t have to use the keypad to get in. I was relieved when I made it to the fourth floor and got my key in the door without running into anyone. I locked the door behind me and headed straight for the loveseat. Shit, I almost forgot to take my clothes off. I was serious about burning them. My phone rang and when I looked at the screen, I realized I had fifteen missed calls from Lizzie, 3 calls from the sub-contractor in charge of the trades and five missed calls from my mother. Lizzie must have seen the news. I quickly started skimming through her text messages; no, she wanted to talk about something else. On any other day I would have returned her call immediately, but today I didn’t have the energy. I sent her a response:I will call in a bit, swamped.That was to make sure she didn’t show up at my apartment with the police. The thought of seeing a police officer made me nauseous. I lay naked on my loveseat with my eyes closed.

I must have dozed off because I woke up to the sound of my ringer going off. It was Lizzie again. I knew if I didn’t answer she would rally the search party. “Hey, Sis, sorry for missing your calls. I have been swamped trying to get everything wrapped up at the Brooks residence.”

She did not seem interested in my response. “Have you checked your bank account today?” I wasn’t sure why she asked, I only had $800 to my name. Actually $200 after paying my rent in the morning.

“No, why?”

“Check your bank account!”

I was now intrigued. I took my phone from my ear and placed the call on speaker while I used my face to unlock my bank app. I waited for the information to load and when I saw what my daily balance was, I dropped the phone.


It took me a minute to process the information, Lizzie kept asking, “Is it there?!”

Yes, where did this come from? I must have said it out loud because Lizzie started to explain. “Mr. Brooks’ estate manager called and left a message at 6 a.m. this morning. He said his boss was very pleased with the work you had done so far and he wanted to pay the account early.”

“But that’s more than the contracted amount.”

Lizzie continued, “That’s what I told him. Apparently, Mr. Brooks gave you a very generous tip! Are you giving out free blow jobs over there? I want in on the hustle if we get these kinds of tips.”

If it were any other day, I would have been happy to go along with the fun. Lizzie sensed something was wrong and offered to come over. I was just not in the mood for company right now. “I am beat. No need to come over here and watch me sleep. I promise I will call you as soon as I get up in the morning.”

Lizzie must have had other plans because she put up very little resistance although she was clearly concerned. “Okay, I am going to check on you first thing in the morning. Get some rest, you deserve it.”

“Goodnight, Sis.”

“Goodnight, Sam. Love you.”

I felt relieved to finally get off the phone, I had to concentrate on my words, and all I wanted to do was take a shower and get in bed. I slid my naked body off the loveseat and headed for the shower. I hit my shin on the coffee table and at that moment I lost it. I balled up on the floor holding my shin but the tears were from frustration. How did I get myself mixed up in this shit! How was I going to explain this to my family? Would I be free to have my baby? The pain finally subsided, and I knew it was time to pick myself up off the floor and at least take a shower. I needed to get the stench of that interrogation room out of my nose.

I was lying in bed half watching new episodes of HGTV’sVacation Homewhen my cell phone rang. I thought it was my mom. I glanced at the phone screen and saw that I was getting a call from a 2-1-4 area code, which was Highland Park. Chris had never called me directly before so I did not have his number saved in my phone; I knew it had to be him. I thought hard about whether to answer the phone but my curiosity got the best of me. How bad could this really get? I have already been dragged downtown to a dirty interrogation room and accused of being a homewrecker? “Hello?”

“Hi, Sam, it’s me Chris Brooks.”

How many Chris Brooks did he think I knew? “Good evening. Thanks for paying me early but I’m confused, do you want me to finish the job?” I was trying my best to avoid the elephant in the room.

“Yes, absolutely. I just didn’t want you to think there were any issues with your payment. The police raid today was expected.”

What the fuck, isn’t this something he could have mentioned before? “Okay, when would you like me to resume work? I am sure I am already getting calls from the trades about the future of the project.”

“How about Thursday? I was wondering if I could swing by and take you out to lunch tomorrow. I owe you an explanation, and I know you would like to get your car. I feel horrible about what happened today. Please know none of this was supposed to happen and I would really like an opportunity to explain further.” He seemed sincere.

“What time do you have in mind?” I felt it necessary to keep him happy; after all, he was paying for the expensive lawyer. I also knew there was more to the story. I wanted to find out if he was indeed cheating on his wife and what the cops had on him. He sounded as if he was willing to open up, even if it was a little bit and I was ready to listen. “Around noon sound good?” Sure, why not? My car was still at the ranch so I was essentially at his beck and call. I suddenly remembered I had an appointment in the morning. I was finally going to see my gynecologist. I needed an ultrasound to confirm my baby was developing properly and I needed essentials to make sure I was healthy. “On second thought, could we meet at 2 p.m. instead? I forgot I have a doctor's appointment at 11 in the morning.”

“Yes, that works. “Can you meet me a few blocks from your apartment? I will send the address, with all the reporters following me, I have to be cautious.”

“Sounds like a plan. See you then.” I hung up and placed my phone on my single nightstand. I tried my best to focus on the television but my mind started to drift.

* * *

I hearda knock on the door and I was startled. Who would be here this late? Was it Chris? How did he know my apartment number? I suddenly felt vulnerable, and the conversation with Detective Parker came back to mind. “You are a loose end. He will kill you next.” I glanced around quickly for something that I could use to defend myself in case someone forced their way in. I was getting ready to call the police when I thought of the irony. I grabbed a frying pan from the kitchen instead. That was the first thing I could find. With my frying pan hoisted overhead as my protector, I was ready for whoever came through the door.

“Sam, I can hear you. Open the door.”

My heart slowed to a steady pace when I heard Lizzie’s voice. I raced to the door. “What are you doing here?”

She looked at me in disbelief. “Why do you have a frying pan? I am not taking your bullshit answer either. It’s time you start telling me what’s really going on.” She pushed past me and entered the apartment. I stood in the doorway, overwhelmed and tired. Tears now streaming down my cheek. Lizzie turned around. When she realized I was crying she walked back and hugged me. We stood at the door, holding each other for what felt like hours. Finally, she locked the door and guided me to the loveseat.
