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“In just a few. Don’t worry. I’ve done all that I could today. Everything else can be done tomorrow when I get back.”

“Okay. Can you call me on your way home? I have lots to tell you. You have another billionaire client waiting to get on your calendar.”

I was excited to hear the good news but my body was tired. All I could focus on was getting home, taking a shower, and getting in bed. I read that the first trimester was an adjustment period because your body needed more rest to deal with all the changes taking place so you could get ready to provide for an entire human being.

“You don’t sound excited.”

Now I was getting annoyed. “I am. I’m just tired, Liz. Let me get my things together. I will call you when I get in the car.”

I got done examining all the pieces for the master bedroom, I surveyed the furniture for any knicks, dents, or defects. Everything looked great. I needed to grab my things from the master bedroom and I was all done for the night. Brandon was still staying at the ranch and that comforted me. I did not feel comfortable being there by myself these days. I walked back to the master bedroom right in time to see Brandon going through my travel tote that was tucked away on a scaffold the painters used to get the ceiling completed. I did not know what to do. I walked back out the door before he saw me and made some noise to alert him of my presence.

I walked back into the master bedroom as if nothing happened. Brandon was now standing with his hands folded behind his back staring at the ceiling. I just wanted to get out of the house.

“How does it look?” I asked. I had to play it cool.

“They did a great job.”

I kept looking back and forth planning exit routes in my head. “Um yeah, they did. Have you seen my things?” My voice was now a little shaky.

“Yes, I think they are here on the scaffold.”

“Oh, great. Well, is there anything else you need before I go?” He quickly replied no and I grabbed my travel tote, along with my shoulder bag and left. I felt like an idiot. Lizzie was right. This place is not safe. Why was Brandon going through my belongings? That’s when it hit me in the face like a brick: He was probably looking for the music box. I had my travel tote with all the items Natasha gave me to use as inspiration for the art room with me today. I jumped in my car and drove off.I immediately called Chris, “You won’t believe who I caught going through my travel tote looking for your music box.”



Brandon came highly recommended by Victoria. He had been my estate manager since our marriage eight years ago. I remember when I met him for the first time. I found him to be arrogant. Victoria urged me to give him a chance and my eagerness to please her overshadowed my instinct. His background check came back clean. There were no red flags that I could remember. Now I was in the middle of a murder investigation and Brandon seemed to keep popping up at every turn. I was not going to jump to conclusions. I needed professional help. I need to find out more about Brandon. How does he fit into all this and what motives may be hidden behind that sinister smile?

I called Peter after Sam told me about Brandon looking for the music box. I suspected he did not want anyone to find out whose blood was on the music box. Peter suggested a private investigator unearth some more about Brandon’s past. If I suspected foul play, I needed a strong motive to sell it to the cops. Peter recommended his in-house private investigator and the plan was to meet with him today to get everything started. I was still at the loft, which made it easier for me to keep Brandon in the dark.

Steve was tall and slender. He smelled like cigars, and the bags under his eyes gave the impression he didn’t get enough sleep. His voice was raspy and could smell a hint of scotch as he sat down. We shook hands before he started to go through a binder he brought with him. He opened it up and I could see that he had pictures and personal records for Brandon.

“What’s all this?” My interest was piqued when I saw multiple pictures of Brandon with different names.

“These are all the known aliases of Brandon White. I am still tracking down a few more leads, but I am sure that is not his real name.”

I was shocked, “I had a thorough background check done eight years ago how did none of this come up?”

“Mr. Brooks, someone may have tampered with the results, or since that investigation was completed; some of his alias has been updated in the FBI database.”

“So, what’s next?”

“Well, I have a lead on his real identity, but I’ll have to travel to Jersey to see what I can find. Are you okay with a $10,000 discretionary budget to start?”

I would pay any amount to get to the bottom of this. “Absolutely, let me know if you need more.”

“No, that should cover everything. I’ll be in touch as soon as I find something we can take action on.” Steve stood, shook my hand, and disappeared into the elevator.

After Brandon’s actions last night, I didn’t feel comfortable with Sam being there with him all day by herself. I decided to head back to the ranch, at least while she was there to make sure she was okay. Sam was supposed to finish the master bedroom today and while the investigation was the most pressing thing on my mind, I was looking forward to themaster bedroom reveal.

Sam arrived promptly at 9 a.m., and the trades arrived shortly after, there was a flurry of movements between the garage and the master bedroom. They took furniture in the bedroom all morning under Sam’s watchful eye. I tried my best to keep my eyes off her but she was glowing today. Her skin seemed brighter and her hips fuller. I wasn't sure what it was but something was different. By now, the garage had to be empty. I waited patiently to see my new space.

Sam finally called me back around 1 p.m. for the big master bedroom reveal. I was in awe, the colors of the wall complemented the curtains, all the furniture was new, and the carpet caressed my feet as I walked into the room. The next place to examine was the master bedroom closet. Sam organized all my clothes and shoes in the closet, before it was cramped with random items strewn across the shelves. Everything now had its own place. I loved the new look.

Now that the crime lab had released the art room, Sam was hard at work getting the flooring contractor to replace the existing floors. Natasha had already picked the colors for the walls so painting would be a breeze. I was curious to see how everything blended with the furniture pieces that were chosen. I was getting mentally involved with the renovations when Peter called.

I stepped outside for privacy. “Hey, brother, what’s going on?”
