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We'd fallen asleep in our clothes. After I cried hard, and Nick kissed me, to which I returned his kiss just as hard, pouring myself into that kiss—all of myself into it—I’d been exhausted.

Since then, we hadn’t talked at all about that night. We went along with our lives as if we never went on that date in the first place. Nick went back to stealing hot kisses, never taking it farther, and I went back to wishing he would.

My heart bleeds for this man. He's a good man. I’ve been watching him, really watching him, and I don't think there's a better man. At least not for me. I also think Dad would have loved him.

It's Christmas Eve now, and I have a gift I want Nick to unwrap early.

We had an appies for dinner with wine. Low Christmas music plays over the built in surround sound as we talk, and I fall even deeper for him. We’re talking about nothing at all. Just life, memories of my childhood. Mom and Dad. How I’ve always wanted to go sky diving and how he wants to go on a safari. How maybe we might do these things together.

We’re coming awfully close to the conversation about what happens after Christmas—when I’m supposed to go back to Arizona—but we fall into silence, neither of us ready for that.

Again, I think of the gift I want him to unwrap, and I stand, a little abruptly. His brows dip in confusion, but I mumble, “I’m going to take a bath before bed—in your room,” I stutter. “You have jets.”

He eyes me curiously, but nods, letting me go.

Upstairs in his bathroom, I draw a bath, pour lavender and vanilla bath salts into the water, twist my hair into a knot on top of my head, and sink into the water.

I need this moment of relaxation before I do what I’m about to do. I need this moment to build my courage.

When my moment is up, I shave all the bits that need shaving until I’m silky smooth and then I get out. I don’t pull the plug, because I don’t want him to hear the bath water drain and come to find me before I’m ready to be found.

I need time, I think, as I pull the sexy as sin outfit from the bag and start to put it on. Now, looking in the mirror, I have to admit that I look drop dead gorgeous—and I swear, if Nick doesn’t fall to his knees—or ravish me—I’m going to die a very slow, very humiliating death.

Allie was right when she said that this outfit wastheoutfit. It's Christmas red and sheer. Under the sinfully sexy baby-doll nighty, I wear a pair of matching red underwear, again in sheer lace. Over the little outfit is the gift wrap. The tiny, sexy red robe with the thick black ribbon I’ve tied in a bow around my waist. Red lace peeks out from the hem, a tease for the man I hope will see me soon.

My hair is down, and my waves are soft. I haven't bothered with any makeup, but I feel beautiful.

I tiptoe into his bedroom and light the candles I bought for this night, and when his room is glowing romantically, I go back to the bath and pull the plug.

I know he can hear the water drain, and I know it's only a matter of time before he comes to find me. So, anxiously, I wait.



I hear Sadie pull the plug in the bath and pour another glass of wine. Claus purrs beside me on the coach, and I rub his fur absently. He's a good cat. And he fits in here. So far, he hasn't scratched a couch, a chair, or torn into a carpet. He trims his nails on his cat tree and that's it. So, for the most part, I don't mind him being here. I think I even like him.

I wonder who dumped him and why? Because, as far as I can see, he's a damn good cat. He hasn't once tried to climb the Christmas tree, as I’d expected. I wonder if he’s lonely here. If maybe he’d like a kitten, and I frown at the unexpected thought. I hadn’t wanted one cat, and now I’m thinking of getting a kitten. Fuck.

Claus rolls onto his side, giving me his belly for another firm rub. He’s a sucker for a good belly rub, I think, figuring Sadie will be down soon. So I wait, listening for movement. When I hear none, I start to wonder. When ten minutes has passed, I get up from the coach and head for the stairs.

She yawned a few times during dinner, so maybe she's tired. Maybe she laid down on the bed and fell asleep. I climb the stairs quietly, not wanting to wake her if she has fallen asleep. Tomorrow is Christmas, and even though it’ll just be the two of us—exactly as I want it even though Mom called to invite us over for dinner—I’d declined. Sadie informed me she has big plans for tomorrow, and that she will be making her parent’s famous citrus turkey. I wouldn’t blame her if she’s too tired to watch a Christmas movie with me, even though that hadn’t been my plan, but hers.

At the top of the stairs, I pause as my gaze catches on the flicker of fire light. Candles, I think, wondering what it is about women bathing in a room lit with candles. I hope she hasn’t fallen asleep with a lit candle. The idea has unease spreading in my chest and my pace quickening to close the distance between the stairs and my bedroom.

In the door of my bedroom, I freeze as my eyes land on Sadie—because holy fuck. She's beautiful.

My gaze rakes over her in a way that I know spells hunger. Air catches in my lungs, getting stuck in my throat. Under my skin, my blood simmers. My aching dick grows heavy in my jeans with need for the woman standing before me in—what the fuck is she wearing and where did she get it?

“Merry Christmas,” she purrs seductively. When her tongue pokes out to wet her lips, I nearly groan.

“What is this?” My own voice sounds husky and thick. I can’t take my eyes off her.

“Your gift.” She gives me a little twirl, and this time I do groan. When she spins back around to face me she taunts, “Are you going to come over here and unwrap me?”

Holy shit.I very nearly come in my pants from her words alone.

She doesn't know how she affects me. She can’t know. “My gift?” The question sounds hoarse, but I'm already moving forward. She lifts her chin as though daring me. “What is my gift, Sadie?”
