Page 8 of Pieces Of You

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Of course, I’ve asked Dean who she is to him, but he won’t tell me, so I highly doubt she will either. I’m curious, though, and the few minutes we’re around each other every morning don’t give me many opportunities to get to know the girl behind the filthy mouth.

Not that Iwantto.

It’s not like I was instantly attracted to her, because let’s be real—she hasn’t an iota of sex appeal, at least not that she openly displays. But I’m… perplexed, maybe?

She’s still watching me, wordlessly. Is this a game to her? This little stare-off she’s having with me? Because if so, I’m down.

With an exaggerated sigh, I shut the folder, rest my elbows on top of it and lean forward, saying, “I have a question. Well, two questions. A two-part single question. Statement, maybe?”

She blinks. Once. Twice. But those eyes stay on me.

I add, pinning her with my glare, “How far is that stick stuck up your ass, and do you need help getting it out?”

Her lips twitch before leveling out again. The movement was so quick, I don’t know if she was about to smile or snarl. Either way, I got a reaction, and that has to be a point for me.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I settle in my seat and get more comfortable. “Want to know what I think happened between you and Dean?”

She shakes her head and sits taller. “We’re not talking about Dean.”

“Ah, she speaks in full sentencesandwithout cursing or insulting. Who’d have thought?”

“Contrary to what you think of me, I actually enjoy talking. Just not to morons who think their dick activity defines their worth.”

“You talk about my dick a lot. Can’t imagine how much you think about it when I’m not around.” I throw her a smirk. “Obsessed much?”

Her eyes narrow. “I really don’t like you.”

“I’m fully aware.” I chuckle. “Which is a shame since you don’t know me.”

“I know enough.” Hand held out between us, she demands, “Pass me the folder.”

I pull the papers closer to me and cluck my tongue. “Say please.”

And now she’s back to passively staring. Itshouldmake me uncomfortable, but I kind of dig it. The longer she stares, the wider my smirk gets. She’s the one to break first. “You do realize I’m immune to… to…”

I hold back a laugh. “My dick activity?”

She drops her head back, eyeing the sky, and mumbles something incoherent under her breath.

“You know…” I say, standing, “You might hate me for whatever unknown reason, but I actuallylikeyou.”

Her eyes meet mine again. “In what world could you possiblylikeme?”

I wait for her to get up and lift her bag strap across her torso before stating, “In a world where I like to be challenged.”

“I’m not challenging you to anything.”

“That you know of.” I shrug, then motion toward the student parking lot. “Let’s go pay your knitting buddy a visit.”

Sitting cross-legged in the passenger seat of my truck, her granny skirt covering her legs, Jamie focuses on the file that Dean had given me a few days earlier. When he found out that I’d signed up to the club, he’d given me the first choice of what to do. Yard work I could do in my sleep, and even though it’s hotter than Satan’s asshole, working outside is what I’ve spent my life doing. Jamie, on the other hand, I don’t know how she’s going to handle it.

“It says she’s a widow,” she murmurs.

I glance sideways at her.

“Her husband passed away, and he used to do all the upkeep,” she adds, her thumb working at spinning one of the few mood rings on her fingers.

When we’re this close, this confined, I can smell her shampoo or perfume or whatever it is. It’s a natural scent—flowers and citrus, and it reminds me of home. Of the farm. “That’s sad,” I respond.
