Page 128 of Heartache Duet

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Me too, I don’t say, and I hate to think of the demons swarming her mind, continually fighting for ways to escape. Even though I know the excruciating truth of what she experienced, I’ll never fully understand the severity of it. “We’re going to find a way to get you back.” I kiss her temple. “I promise, Mama.”

I give Mom her meds before getting into bed with her. And like all the other nights since the first time she asked, I lie with her until she’s fast asleep and pray the new cocktail of drugs does the rest. Then I go to my room and ready myself for another long night of homework.

An hour into an English paper and my mind begins to wander. My longing takes over my fingers as they tap away on the keyboard. And even though Trevor’s not home, I still check over my shoulder to make sure I’m alone. Shame washes through me as I go to the school website, click on the Athletics tab and scroll down to Wildcats Basketball. I watch the highlights of his last game, my lips forming a smile whenever he appears.

“Ava?” Trevor calls out from behind me, and I spin around, my heart racing.

“Jesus, you scared me. When the hell did you get home?”

“Just now.” The smile he carries is so big it makes me suspicious. “And I have a surprise for you.” He steps to the side, and another figure joins him.

“Amy!” I’m on my feet and hugging her so hard she falls back a step. I didn’t even know Trevor was talking to his ex, but she has no reason to be here other than to see him. I rear back, my smile as wide as Trevor’s only moments ago. “What are you doing here?”

Trevor throws his arm around her waist, then slaps a sloppy kiss on her cheek. “She’s here to see her boyfriend.”

My next squeal is audible, just barely, and I hug them both.

Amy laughs, settles her hands on my shoulders as she takes in my features, her blue eyes squinting. “It’s so good to see you, Ava. Gosh, you’ve grown.”

“I didn’t even know you and Trevor were talking again.”

She shrugs. “Love has a way, you know?”

I nod, even though I don’t know. The only love I’ve experienced comes with limits. And those limits have been reached.

My laptop starts to play another video, this one with sound, and Trevor peers over my shoulder to look at it. It’s a Connor Ledger highlight reel, and I lower my gaze, waiting for his response.

“Jesus Christ, Ava, I thought you were done with this jerk.”

“Don’t call him that,” I hiss.

He pushes past me, his anger tensing his shoulders, and snaps the screen shut. Then he turns to me. “You shouldn’t even be looking at this stuff. You’re just going to make things harder for yourself.”

“Shut up,” I argue. “You did the same with Amy and her new boyfriend. You stalked the hell out of her.”

“You did?” Amy asks.

Trevor shakes his head, his nose flaring with his exhale. “That’s not the same!”

“Why? Just because we’re not together anymore doesn’t mean I don’t care about his life or his future.”

“Yeah, well, you shouldn’t. He’s a piece of shit for telling you what he did!”

“No! You’re a piece of shit for keeping it a secret from me!”

“I was doing it to protect you!”

“Well, a lot of good that did!” I yell, forgetting that Mom’s asleep in the next room. “And this is all your fault anyway!”


“Yes. Remember when you said—” I deepen my voice to mimic his. “You can date, Ava. You’d make a great girlfriend.” I slump down on my bed, my brows furrowed. And because I’m a brat, I cross my arms and pout. “I should’ve never listened to you!”

Trevor laughs, short and hysterical. “You want to blame me because your ex turned out to be King Dick?!”

“Get out!” Amy and I order in unison.

Trevor’s eyes widen, focusing first on me, then Amy. “What?!”
