Page 281 of Heartache Duet

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“Yeah, you’re right,” he says through a sigh. “She’ll probably take one look at you and forget I exist.”

I shake my head. “Sheasked you out, right?”

Austin nods.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“The problem is, I’m not built like you, Connor,” he answers, his tone serious.

I sigh, getting off my bed to stand behind him as he looks at himself in the mirror. “For someone who calls himself my best friend, you really don’t know me at all.”

His eye roll makes me chuckle. “You’re saying you were this nervous on your first date with Ava?”

“Ava and I never reallydated. Like, we didn’t go out to movies and dinners and stuff. We just… hung out at her house or school. But, yeah, I was nervous around her. Istillam. I think that’s what those feelings are, you know? Those butterflies people talk about…”

He turns to me now, his head craned to look up at me. “Were you her first, too?”

I shake my head.

“Did that bother you?”

“Not really.”

He nods, inhales a huge breath. “Okay. I’m going to go, and I’m going to—”

“Be yourself,” I cut in. “But lose the blazer.”

He looks down at himself. “It’s a cardigan.”

“Lose it.”

“But it makes me look sophisticated.”

“It makes you look like a pompous ass.”

“You’re a pompous ass!”

There’s a knock on our door, and I go to open it, saying over my shoulder, “Do whatever you want.”

Ava’s on the other side, her smile full force when she sees me. “Hey, babe,” I greet, kissing her quickly.

“Ava!” Austin shouts, pushing me aside. “I’m going on a date,” he announces.

Ava’s eyes widen, just a tad. “In that blazer?”

“I told you it was a blazer,” I murmur, taking her hand. I start pulling her into the room, but she resists. “What’s up?” I ask, confused.

She grins from ear-to-ear. “I have a surprise.”

My eyes narrow just as Ava steps to the side and Trevor appears. “Shut. Up,” I mumble, my eyes wide.

Trevor’s smile matches Ava’s, and I can’t help my own stupid grin. “What’s good?” he asks, his hand out for a shake.

I take it, answer, “Not much.”

And then he chuckles, tugging on my hand and embracing me—a little too tight—and with his mouth to my ear, he whispers, “I’ve missed you, you dumbass.”

I laugh, say, “I’ve missed you, too, you giant fuck.”
