Page 73 of Heartache Duet

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“Look,” he starts, standing taller. “Ava’s had it rough, and she might come across as tough, as though she’s fine, and sure there are days when she might be, but those days, Connor, those days are rare. And if you want her in your life the way I know you do, you have to prepare yourself to care about her during all the times in between. Because you don’t get to pick and choose.”

“I know,” I reply, my voice hoarse. “I’m aware of all of this.”

Nodding, he asks, “She stay with you last night?”

I return his nod.

He smirks. “Five hundred bucks and I won’t tell Trevor.”

“Dude, I don’t have five hundred.” I don’t even have five.

He chuckles. “I’m kidding, man.”

Ava opens the door, saying bye to Krystal and her mom over her shoulder. Then she turns to us, her eyebrows raised. Her grin warns me of what’s to come. “You guys are so cute,” she hollers. “Now kiss!”

Peter shakes his head. “It’s good to have you back, Ava,” he says, widening his arms for her to embrace him, which she does. “I’ll be gone when you get back from school, so this is goodbye.”

Ava pouts, looks up at him. “I’ll see you soon, though, right?”

“I’m a phone call away if you need anything.” He kisses the top of her head, but his eyes are on me. “Anything, Ava. I mean it.”

* * *

“What’s with you?” Ava asks, squeezing my hand that’s settled on her lap as we ride to school.

I ask, distracted, “What do you mean?”

“You’re being weird. Distant.” She starts to release my hand, but I hold hers tighter.

“Sorry. It’s just…” I struggle with my phrasing, then just come out and say it. “Peter gives me the creeps.”

She giggles. “Maybe you should go beat him up.”

“Maybe,” I say, pushing away those thoughts. “Hey, just curious. If you had to score that fight, who do you think came out on top?”

She doesn’t skip a beat. “Me.”


She shrugs. “I got the guy.”

* * *

I barely sit my ass down for first period when the teacher calls my name. “You’re needed in the principal’s office. Now.”

Rhys is already in the office, along with Coach Sykes, and there’s a sinking in my gut because I know where this is going.

Principal Brown says, “Due to your lack of class attendance yesterday, I’m suspending you both for tomorrow’s game.”

Coach swears under his breath, throws his hat across the room. “Dagnammit, gentlemen!”

“Ooh, he maaaad,” Rhys sings, and I can’t stifle my chuckle in time.

“You think this is a joke, Ledger?” Coach says, getting in my face.

I flatten my features. “No, sir.”

“It’s probably for the best,” Coach retorts. “We don’t need a face like yours representing the team.”
