Page 109 of Resolve

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He groaned and adjusted his dick before he joined her. He opened his mouth to ask her if she wanted something else to drink and stopped. Amber was sound asleep on the sofa. A smile lifted his lips. She was comfortable enough around him to sleep—a good sign.

Her brown hair was spread around her shoulders like a cloak, and her lips were slightly parted. She must have been pretty tired to fall asleep so fast. Their talk would have to wait, but in the next minute, she jerked up to a sitting position.

“Oh goodness, sorry. I closed my eyes for a minute.” She yawned and stretched her arms over her head, causing her breasts to strain against her shirt.

Gavin’s cock jumped.

Taking a deep breath, Gavin willed his body to behave as he sat down next to Amber. “Why have you been avoiding me?”

Her cheeks flushed. “We shouldn’t have slept together.” She dropped her chin, and her hair concealed her face from him.

“Why not?” He pushed her hair back from her face, his fingers lightly caressing her soft cheek.

Green eyes held uncertainty as they met his gaze. “It won’t work.”

“What won’t work?”

“Us.” Her voice was quiet, and she glanced away from him.

He slipped his hand behind her neck, and her breathing increased. She wasn’t as immune as she’d like him to think, but something was holding her back.

He chose his words carefully. “I don’t know why not. We’ve been doing fine.”

Annoyance in her green eyes flashed at him. “You’re a player. I’m not.”

“I hate being called a player.” He caressed her neck. “I’ve dated, but I’m not a player.”

“Dated? I’ve heard Peter talking about your dating habits.”

“And what did my older brother say?” He was aware Peter didn’t approve of the way he handled his life, but it was his life.

“Nothing I didn’t already know.” Amber tried to pull away from his hand. “Let me go.”

Gavin dropped his hand from her neck.

“I think I should go.”

He resisted the urge to grab her by the arm and keep her seated next to him. “Is it Martin?”

“What?” The shock that passed over her features surprised him. “There is nothing between Martin and me.”

He believed her. He gathered his thoughts, trying to decide which issue to tackle first. “I’m not the player everyone thinks I am.”

“So you’re saying you date women more than once?”

His face flamed. What had his brother been saying? “Until you, I didn’t care to see a woman for a second date.”

Amber snorted a laugh. She actually snorted.

“Do you really believe there is nothing between us? That the last few weeks didn’t happen?” She hadn’t stormed out on him yet, and Gavin hoped it was a good sign.

“We both agreed: Scratch the itch.”

“I want more.” He shifted closer to her. “We’re good together.” The scent of vanilla and strawberries filled his senses, reminding him of the cake she’d baked for his mother’s birthday a few months ago.

Amber turned toward him, and her hands closed over his shoulders, but she wasn’t pushing him away. Gavin decided to press his luck. “I can still feel your soft skin beneath my fingers. You have the sweetest kisses. Every time I kiss you, I swear I taste chocolate. Rich, deep, addicting chocolate.”

“Oh my.” Her voice was breathless.
