Page 128 of Resolve

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“Charming guy,” Tina said. “You really think a scout will be in the audience tomorrow?”

Aiden had barely given the scout a second thought.

“Does it matter?” Maylis retorted. “It’s a performance.”

“But Broadway,” she said with a dreamy sigh.

Aiden stayed next to Maylis. He didn’t miss Tina’s pointed glance. Her jealousy was a vapor that permeated the air. The look in her eye reminded him of Tamera’s from years ago. He was careful to keep Tina at arm’s length. He strolled into the wings alongside Maylis.

“It would be a dream come true,” Maylis said. She poked him playfully in the side. “It’s important to you too, isn’t it?”

“Hell, yeah, it’s important to me.” He stopped, drawing her to a stop too. “Isn’t your performance important to you?”

She didn’t speak for a few minutes, then said, “My parents are footing the bill for my apartment. I make enough to buy my food and pay the electric bill, but that’s about it. If I don’t start getting more lucrative parts, they are going to pull the plug on this dream of mine. A dream I’ve wanted since I was five years old and saw Brandy in Cinderella the first time.” She gave him a pointed look. “With my sister.”

Maylis slipped around him and into her dressing room and shut the door softly in his face.

She was in full dress and make-up. It would take her at least thirty minutes to be street ready.

Aiden sauntered his way to the men’s dressing room. With all the goop on his face, it might take him just as long. Hell, the “cravat” alone would take twenty minutes to unwrap. Still, he had every intention of being outside her door when she emerged.


Maylis hurriedout of her costume. She refused to spend a single second outside the show with Aiden Harrison. Her pink companion was working just fine, even if she’d had to change the batteries twice in the last month. The director was loving the change inBeauregard. She and Aiden had received standing ovations from the other cast members the day after he’d “kidnapped” her.

She didn’t dare dawdle. He would be waiting. She didn’t even take the time to put on a bra, just shoved it in her purse, shrugged into her cardigan, strapped her pursed across her body, and whipped open the door.

“Oh, good. You didn’t take as long as I expected you to,” he said.

Her shoulders fell. “Do you still have your make-up on?”

“Nice try. You’ve avoided me long enough. We’ve got some things to discuss.”

Damn him. “I have lines to go over.”

“We can go over them together.Afterwe talk.”

She just hoped talking was all they did. She was almost sure she would not be able to resist him.

He directed her to his car, just as he had a month ago. He opened the door for her, just as he had a month ago. “You aren’t wearing a bra.”

“It’s in my purse.”

“Your nipples are practically begging for my attention. You realize that, don’t you?”

“You can’t see a thing.” She hugged her cardigan closer, even as her pussy throbbed and begged for theharder, faster, deeperchant she dare not voice aloud even as her insides screamedYes. Clearly, she needed to get laid. And, here was this opportunity right before her.

Like he had a few weeks before, Aiden stopped for food. No burgers from a bar this time. He drove farther out of the city to a pizza joint. A small intimate place that had a quaint dining area. Gingham checked tablecloths draped on tables, topped with drippy waxed candles in glass bulb containers had her silently groaning. A large fire roared in a grate at the far end of the room to keep out the after Christmas cold.

A hostess seated them near windows that looked out on a snow-crusted field that would soon be too dark to make out. “Wine?”

Aiden looked at Maylis with a raised brow. “I’ll leave the decision to you.”

“I don’t think it will hurt anything,” she murmured.

“Two house cabernets,” he told the hostess.

“Coming up.” She disappeared.

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