Page 166 of Resolve

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“You’re cold. Here.” Tim held open one side of his giant down parka for her to snuggle into. Deep froze. She should say no and just head home. Chalk it up to a fashion sacrifice gone awry. But the way he was looking at her…

She stepped into him, feeling his warmth soaking into her muscles, relaxing her defenses and thawing out her resolve. From somewhere in the distance, a voice boomed that they had a minute until midnight, so they’d better refill their drinks and find someone to kiss. Tim looked down at her and went still. There was that openness in his face again. The same question hanging around his eyes as there was years before. The little bits of resolve she’d been clinging to suddenly seemed to melt away in massive chunks, creaking like a glacier as they floated off into her ocean of good intentions.

“Would you want—”

“It’s not like this would be—”

Both of them paused and smiled at one another, then burst into giggles.

“It’s not bad luck to kiss the same person twice at midnight, is it?” Tim asked.

“I guess we’ll find out,” Deep whispered, inching closer to him.

The countdown began, and her mind buzzed. She could feel the hum of Tim’s voice as he spoke the numbers. The memory of their first kiss washed over her, anticipation drowning out the crowd. She wasn’t sure she actually waited untiloneto kiss him.

This was not the shy kiss that she remembered. This was all heat. His mouth warm and his hands sure as they wrapped around her, pulling her body snug against his. It was like he craved her touch, responding to even the slightest movement in ways that made her mind draw a blank. The only thing she could think wasmore.She needed to feel him move with her, her name on his lips. She needed more of him. Now.

The sound of other people erupting into laughter and chatter pulled her away from the feel of him and anchored her in the present. Deep smiled up at him to reassure him that she was okay, then turned around and leaned against him in an attempt to clear her head. Tim traced kisses along her neck. It made it difficult for her to think. She still wasn’t sure she was ready for anything serious. Her world was moving to New York. His was effectively moving into an overcrowded hacker house.

“New tattoo,” Tim whispered, the feel of his words against her neck sending shivers of want all through her as he kissed the barcode on her neck. A little moan escaped her, and her knees went weak. Who was she kidding? Assuming he was amenable to it, she was absolutely going to fuck him silly.

Without turning around, she whispered, “Let’s do this inside.”

“Oh. Okay,” Tim stuttered, sounding breathless as she steered them toward the small alcove where the bathrooms and the elevator were. He stopped at the elevator bank, and she pulled him toward the stairwell with a little yank as surprise shot across his face.

Taking one flight down, Deep peeked her head around the corner to make sure the coast was clear, then reached for him again. Wrapping one hand around the back of his neck, she kissed him hard as she backed them against the wall. Her other hand ran the length of his body, letting herself feel the soft and hard of him beneath her fingers. She moved to kiss the tender spot of skin along his jaw, purring with pleasure as he shivered against her.

“We are gonna get caught.” His whisper was raspy, as if forming words with her hands playing with him was physically difficult.

“We’re not going to get caught by anyone other than people with the same idea. I think we can survive that.”

She felt Tim laugh as she untied her coat, letting her hands brush his waist and moving slowly. He exhaled against her and stilled as the sensation washed over him. If she was going to get them out of tonight unscathed, she had to say something.

“I have some ground rules. Not getting attached. We do this and we move on. Cool?

“Don’t worry. I got it when you said as much outside.” A little voice in the back of Deep’s mind wondered how okay with this Tim would be in the morning, but the lusty voice in her head noted that he was an adult. He knew what a rule meant. Exhaling, Deep reached for him again, feeling his breathing quicken as she nibbled along the side of his neck. Running a hand down his chest toward his belt buckle, he groaned, and she whispered her final rule.

“One more rule, no hard biting.”

“Who bites without asking?” Tim panted.

“Long story. Do we have a deal?”

Tim shook his head, clearing the image of bite marks from his mind. “Yes. Deal. Absolutely deal.”


Deep balanced herself on the edge of the handrail to give him a better angle. Tim dipped his head between her breasts, the feel of his mouth sending sparks through her. If this didn’t happen soon, she might actually explode. She pulled him in closer and wrapped one leg around him. Tim’s breath hitched, and he hesitated, a kiss hovering above the curve of her neck. The pause caused the lust fog over her brain to part momentarily.

“You okay with this?” Deep leaned back against the wall and put her hands on his chest so she could see his face. “Need some ground rules, too?”

“Generally, yes. Very much okay. At this specific moment, not as much. I don’t have a condom, I don’t know anything about your history, and I aggressively do not want to be a parent right now. Although, I am sure you would be a fine parent. It’s nothing personal.”

Tim delivered all of this with the air of someone who was too honest when they were panicking. Deep couldn’t help it. She laughed, only stopping once she caught sight of the horror on his face.

“Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I’m not laughing at you. Or I am, but in a good way.” Deep giggled. She reached into her pocket to find the condom she should have known she was going to use. Carry one, and the need for one appears. “I’ve had an IUD for years. Surprise babies are not for me. And I’ve got this. Does that influence your decision-making at all?”

She watched as he did the calculations and visibly relaxed.

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