Page 49 of Resolve

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Maureen points at each of her sons, then stands. “This is also my request to the four of you to bring Catherine and Eric into planning meetings about proactively working toward increasing the number of entrepreneurial women we coach. They have, what I believe, is a solid vision and I want them both added to the appropriate executive leadership teams.”

I’ve stopped breathing. This is so much better than just getting money. Eric’s hand is squeezing my leg so tight, I have to pry his fingers open. The Power brothers remain silent.

Maureen sits. Will speaks first, addressing me.

“I support this idea one hundred percent and would be honored to have you on the team for the Will Power Hour podcast. It might be interesting to have a co-host from time to time.”

All I can do is nod since I’m speechless.

“Brian and I can talk about moving a small percentage of the Power Broker coaching program marketing dollars into supporting the project Mother’s invested in. Right, Brian?” Aiden asserts, more than asks.

“Works for me,” his chief financial officer brother agrees.

All eyes turn to Colt. He’s staring at Maureen, silently nodding, as if considering.

“It’s been years since I’ve seen you this interested in company business. Dad used to say that he never made a decision without your input. And that every gamble he took, based on your instinct, worked out. So, yeah, I support whatever’s brought you back to the table as the kick-ass shareholder you used to be.”

“Not whatever. Whoever.” Maureen points at me. “It’s this young woman who reminded me that what I have to say, even if it’s not popular—especiallyif it might not be popular—is important.”

“We’ve always thought your contributions were important and valuable,” Will says.

The brothers all agree.

“That’s not the point. The point is that I’d forgotten my voice was important.” Maureen turns to me. “Catherine, tell them about your program.”

I squeeze Eric’s hand tight in mine and lean forward to stand. I rise, pulling Eric up with me.

“Power family,” I say, “Eric and I are betting on our plan to change the world, one kick-ass female entrepreneur at a time. And we believe that with your support, this is a bet we can all win.”

* * *

Follow Catherine and Eric’s project and meet the woman who will bring Will Power to his knees (and help him finally figure out how to sleep) inThe Billionaire’s Shrubbery. (2023)

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Lainey Davis lives in Pittsburgh with 3 feral sons, 2 rescued rabbits, and 1 tired husband. She writes steamy, contemporary love stories with grouchy heroes, strong heroines, and plenty of fiascos. She's excited to find out how much coffee is too much. Find her at



I really don’t wantto go to a party. I hate parties. As CEO of a tech company, I do my fair share of networking and schmoozing. I can certainly carry on a conversation with a smile. But I don’twantto.

Then again, I’ve spent my entire life doing things because I’m supposed to. What’s one more thing?

My phone pings with a flurry of text messages. I don’t have to look to know they’re from my colleague Samantha Vine, sending her thoughts rapid-fire, one line at a time. I lean close to the mirror, putting the final coat of mascara on my thin lashes. Maybe this time they’ll actually plump like the package claims.

A coat of shimmery lip gloss completes the look.

“What do you think?” I turn over my shoulder to question my cat, a bright orange rescued Scottish Fold who looks at me skeptically. I roll my eyes at her. “You always say that.”

I smooth my hands down the sequined dress. I don’t usually wear dresses, and I never wear short dresses in winter, but as Samantha emphasized earlier, the bar will be packed and alcohol makes us warm.
