Page 59 of Resolve

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His head hanging, still panting, he asks, “Do you think we’ll ever have sex like normal people?”

“What do normal people do?”

After planting a kiss on my forehead, he rolls off of me to collapse on his back. “You know, have sex at night and then go to sleep.”

I should get up and wash myself, but I snuggle into his side instead. “Do people really do that? Or are they too tired and just skip the sex?”

He pulls me closer. “We would never do that.”

“Besides, sex in the middle of the day is like a snow day. Or taking a mental health day. Or having dessert first.”

His answer is an enormous yawn.

“Did I wear you out?”

“I can go back to bed. You’re the one who has to go to work.” Shifting away slightly, he meets my gaze with a naughty glint in his eye. “Unless you want to play hooky.”

I push my lower lip out in a pout. “I do wish I didn’t have to work tonight.”

“You could quit.”

“First off, I would never quit on a holiday, but”—do I really want to get into this now?—“I’m trying to save money.”

I make myself roll off the bed, away from his warmth. Just as I turn on the shower, I hear, “Are you sorry you married me?”

I return to the doorway, needing to see his face. “What? Why would you say that?”

“Because if you’d married a rich doctor, you wouldn’t have to work.”

I grab a pillow from the floor and whack him with it. “Do you really think I’d do that?”

“No, but”—he snags the pillow and hugs it to his chest like it’s armor—“I do feel bad about it sometimes.”

“Well, that’s stupid.”

“Don’t tell me my feelings are stupid.”

“Even if they are?” I flick a hand at him. “You are the best impulse buy ever. No matter what my parents think.”

“Your parents… what?”

I suppress a sigh, kicking myself for starting something I really don’t have time to finish. “They were concerned when we got married after only dating for six months.”

“You never told me this. They don’t like me?”

“It’s not like that.”

“What’s it like, then?”

“It’s just that—you know I had a history of jumping into things that never worked out. From guys to jobs to hobbies. I get bored easily.”

“Yeah, not helping.”

Steam billows out of the shower behind me, reminding me that I need to get moving. But I don’t want to leave him without him knowing. “There is something I need to tell you.”

He flops back onto the bed and covers his face with the pillow. “And we’ve gone from bad to worse.”

“I think it’s good news.” Ignoring the fact that I’m wasting hot water, that I’m stark naked and shivering, I sit on the edge of the bed. “I just… I’ve been sitting on this for a little bit while I decide what I’m going to do.”
