Page 86 of Resolve

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I backed away, shocked to find myself staring. I’d thought her pretty at the fundraiser, but she was even more attractive dressed in casual clothes and smelling faintly of hay.

“That’s right. I’m surprised you remember.”

Her lips twisted wryly. “Unfortunately, that night is imprinted on my memory.”

“Hopefully I’m not the worst part of it.”

Her smile warmed. “Definitely not.”

I scanned her, checking for injuries. “Do you need to lie down?” She seemed unharmed, but appearances could be deceiving. “I can get you an ice pack if you tell me where you keep them.”

She shook her head. “Please, just let me forget it happened. I wish I could say it was the first time I’ve taken a tumble this week, but it wasn’t, and I doubt it’ll be the last. It’s just the way I am.”

Hmm, was that an indication my gut feeling about her had been right?

I heard a noise outside and frowned. Now that the adrenaline from my initial reaction was fading, it occurred to me that her scream and the ensuing thump might have upset the horses.

“We need to see if the mares are all right,” I told her, grabbing my kit and heading for the exit. “Sudden noises can make them anxious. You need to be careful to keep them as settled as possible. Horses can be finicky creatures.”

She pulled a face. “It was an accident. Anyway, aren’t you here early? I could have sworn our appointment isn’t until ten.”

I glanced at my watch. “It’s ten-fifteen.”

“Oh.” Her tone changed from defensive to defeated. “Sorry, time must have gotten away from me.”

I pushed the door open and jogged down the steps and around to the corral, where, fortunately, neither horse seemed distressed. “Do you mind if I go in?”

“Go for it.” She waited for me to open the gate, then followed me, mumbling an oath as she tripped over a clump of grass just inside the enclosure.

I mentally congratulated myself for past choices. Despite the attraction, I had a feeling I’d been right not to pursue London. She was scattered. Possibly in need of someone who’d take care of her. After a tumultuous childhood, where I’d been more of a parent to my mother than she’d been to me, it was important to me that I be equal partners with anyone I dated. I’d had enough of being responsible for someone else to last a lifetime. My mom was finally on the straight and narrow and I didn’t need any more one-way relationships.

Slowly, I moved toward the bay mare, pulling a treat from my pocket. I offered it to her, and when she accepted, I edged closer still and began a slow, methodical assessment of her current state. I talked London through my observations as I worked, but it soon became clear she didn’t understand half of what I was telling her.

“Will you be the primary carer for the horses?” I asked hesitantly. “Or is there someone else who should be here too?”

Her eyes narrowed. “If you’re worried that I’m clueless, you don’t need to be. I’ve employed somebody to manage the stables and ensure the horses are well taken care of. Unfortunately, she had a delay and won’t arrive until tomorrow.”

Thank God. Her affection for the animals was clear, but I had to admit, I was pleased someone else would be responsible for their wellbeing.

I finished the checkups and London walked with me back to my car.

“So, what made you want to open a riding school?” I asked, for the sake of conversation.

“Honestly, the horse treks are more the driving force for opening the stables, not the riding school.” For once, she didn’t sound defensive. “Given how many tourists visit the area, it should be popular and bring in some money. I’ve always wanted to run a dog shelter, but they don’t pay for themselves. The stables will hopefully cover the cost of running the shelter and keep me fed and housed. As you may have noticed,” she added wryly, “I’m not an expert with horses, which is why I’ve hired other people to work in that area. The shelter will be my main focus, but it’s important to get the stables operational first, since they’ll pay the bills.”

I nodded, surprised by her candor and businesslike approach. Perhaps she wasn’t as scattered as I’d feared.

As we got to my car, she reached over to help me with my kit and her forehead smacked mine. I rubbed the throbbing skin and winced at the tenderness.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” Her phone beeped and she flinched. “Oh, damn. I’m running late for another appointment. Thanks for coming, but I’d better go.” She gave me a little wave and hurried off.

I sighed. London definitely wasn’t a good fit for me, no matter how endearing she was. She’d drive me crazy within a week.



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