Page 90 of Resolve

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She rolled over. Her face was covered with lumpy brown matter. I winced in sympathy. But at least I could finally tell she was laughing rather than crying.

“Thank God,” I breathed. “You had me worried.”

“S-sorry,” she panted. “I just…” She swiped at her eyes, recoiling when she smeared more manure on her face. She screwed up her nose distastefully. “Every time I feel like I can’t possibly do anything more embarrassing, the universe is like, ‘hold my beer’. But this”—she gestured at herself, smeared with manure and smelling like a stable—“must surely be the worst of it. I’ve finally hit the limit. It can only go up from here.”

“Um.” My eyebrows drew together as I considered how to respond. She was clearly okay, for the most part, but seemed on the verge of either a breakdown or an epiphany. I stood, and helped her up, managing not to cringe as she slid her mucky hand into mine. “Is anything hurt?”

“Only my pride.”

Her hair had fallen over her forehead, and I carefully brushed it aside so I could see her eyes. They were clear, and her pupils seemed responsive.

“No pain or tenderness?” I ran my hands down her body, making sure everything was where it ought to be.

She pulled a face. “I mean, a few twinges, but nothing major.”

My hands came to a stop on her hips as I realized I was basically feeling her up. With an awkward laugh, I released her. “Sorry.”

Her eyes locked on mine, and her lips parted. A charge passed between us. Even covered in gunk, she really was beautiful, and her eyes were nearly level with mine. I liked it. Likedher. Her height, her dark eyes, her endearing clumsiness. Perhaps letting my concerns over her chaotic nature get in the way of asking her out was short-sighted of me.

“London, I—”

She moved forward, closing the distance between her lips and mine.

“Whoa!” I reached out, stopping her before she could kiss me.

Her eyes widened with horror, and her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, my God. I read that so wrong. I’m sorry.”

She turned on her heel and ran, nearly tripping over the wheelbarrow again but righting herself before she hit the floor.

“Wait!” I called, chasing after her.

Damn, I hadn’t meant to make her feel rejected. I was ready to see where this spark between us went, but she was still covered in shit, and I’d rather not get it in my mouth.

She sprinted across the yard, making for the house. I followed close behind, but she slammed the door and locked it just as I arrived.

“London,” I said tersely. “Let me in.”

“No.” Her voice was firm. “I’m going to have a shower and wallow in my humiliation. You and Kate can take care of whatever is needed.”

I leaned against the door. “I need to explain.”

But she didn’t respond. She’d probably already gone to the bathroom.

I sighed. Talk about everything going wrong.



I hid all afternoon,having decided that I’d had enough disasters for one day. I finally ventured out in the evening to have dinner with a friend I’d met at the coffee shop, Taste of Destiny. The drive into Destiny Falls took ten minutes, and I spent every one of them berating myself for trying to kiss Cal.

He’d given no indication that he might be interested in me, other than that zap of connection I’d felt when our eyes locked. He was kind and patient, but I got the impression that’s how he was with everyone, and it had nothing to do with attraction. After all, why would he be attracted to me when he could have anybody? I was just a perpetual hot mess with my head in the clouds. Donovan hadn’t thought I was worth sticking around for. Even my parents didn’t believe in me. Hell, sometimes,Ididn’t believe in me. So why should handsome, put-together Cal be any different?

I parked outside the local pub, Drunken Destiny, and checked my phone. I was running late. Again. It’d be nice if, for once, I could be punctual, but time just seemed to slip away from me. I hurried inside, stumbling when my toes caught on the lip of the doorway. I glanced around and noticed several people looking my way. My cheeks heated, and I ducked my head and hurried to the table Hannah had claimed.

“Hey, Hannah.”

My new friend rose and greeted me with a bubblegum-scented hug. “Hi London. Having a nice day?”
