Page 39 of Meant for Wolves

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“Alex, it’s me, Tawny.”

“Oh, hey. I didn’t recognize the number. When are you coming over?” he asked.

“As soon as you tell me where you live.”

“I am so sorry.” He gave her directions. Their place should be easy to find.

“Thanks. I need to pick up a few things from my house, and then I’ll be over.”

“Perfect, see you soon.”

“Before you go, can you ask Zach where he parked his truck. I’m hoping Mason can see what he can dig up about it.”

“Give me a sec.” He returned a half minute later. “Zach said he left his truck in the lot. He was a bit anxious about it being missing.”

“I don’t blame him. I’d be upset, too, but tell him I’m on it—or rather I’m hoping Mason will be on it.”

“Be careful,” Alex said.

“Always.” She turned to Mason. “Can you coordinate with Dad about Zach’s missing truck?”

“Sure. Are you thinking this vigilant group stole his vehicle, because they thought he was dead and wouldn’t need it?”

“Maybe, or perhaps the person who shot Zach didn’t want others to know he was still in the forest.”

“If that’s true, how would we ever see the marking on Zach’s back to know we might be next?”

“That might be a flaw in my thinking.”

“Go and pack. I’ll see what I can find out.”

“Thanks, Mason.”


Before Tawny packedher own gear, she stopped at the pizza place and ordered three pizzas to go.

“You having a party?” the young man behind the counter asked.

“Why, yes I am.” That was a lie, but it was none of his business why she wanted three pizzas. Maybe she was just really hungry.

After she paid for the food, she rushed to her apartment to pack. Instead of walking out of her house with a suitcase, she placed some items in a garbage bag, thinking it would be less conspicuous that way should anyone be watching.

The entire way to Liam and Alex’s place, she kept an eye on her rearview mirror. Thankfully, she didn’t see anyone behind her on the drive over. She still had no idea why these vigilantes—assuming that was what they were—had carved the Granger symbol in Zach's back. Was it to show how superior humans were to werewolves? That was ridiculous, but no accounting for people’s beliefs. Most likely, it was a warning. But of what? Did they want the Grangers to leave Wildwood, or did they just want them dead?

It didn’t take long to reach Liam and Alex's place. The two-story home was set back from the street, close to a line of trees that appeared to be several acres deep. It was perfect for training werewolves without people noticing them.

Tawny pulled in front of their house and parked. She couldn’t guess the rent, but the place was quite upscale. Maybe teaching others how to fight was more lucrative than she thought.

She slipped out and grabbed her backpack with Zach’s things inside as well as her garbage bag full of her clothes. The front door opened, and Alex rushed out.

“Let me help you.”

“Thanks.” She handed him her stuff.

“I know what I can get you for Xmas,” he said with a lot of cheer in his voice.

He was joking, she was sure. “I have suitcases, but this looks less conspicuous.”
