Page 85 of Meant for Wolves

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“We got this,” Alex said and then turned to the sheriff. “In your experience, do you think they will have Tawny with them or make you wait before delivering her?”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they call me and say she’s someplace else altogether. At least that’s what I would do. They have to expect an ambush of some kind.”

“If the humans show up, I trust you only want me to shoot them in the leg or arm so they can’t run away?” Liam asked. He would be stationed on the other side of the road with a sniper rifle.

“Yes. If we are going to find out who is behind this, we need the vigilantes to talk. I think they’d be the most likely to crack.”

“Where would you like me to be?” Mason asked.

“Come with me tomorrow when I drop off the money. We can find a spot for you then—with your camera in tow, of course.”

“Not to be a downer,” Ariel said, “but how can you be sure these people won’t already be there, just waiting to see what preparations you’re going to make? They told you to drop off the money at four and then leave, right?”


Alex raised his hand. “Ariel brings up a good point. How about Zach, Benson, and I head on out there around noon tomorrow? We’ll be in our wolf form, of course. If we see any unusual activity, we’ll let you know.”

“I was unaware a wolf can use a phone,”Liam telepathed.

Alex shot him the bird. “Let me clarify. In order for us to communicate, one of us will shift into his human form and text the sheriff.”

Liam waved a hand in surrender. “Sounds good.”

“I think Mason should come with us,” Zach said. “He can remain in his wolf form so he doesn’t freeze to death. When his camera skills are needed, he can shift and be wherever he thinks is the safest place.”

“I like it, Zach,” his dad said.

“I’m game,” Mason said.

The sheriff looked over at Preston. “How about you hunker down in the back of my cruiser out of sight. Should there be a skirmish with the vigilantes, and if Liam doesn’t take them out, you can.”

“Works for me.”

Since it was late and they had a tense day ahead of them, everyone left. Zach, Alex, Benson, and Mason would be the first to arrive at the scene, and then the sheriff with Preston in the backseat would be next. Noah would be down the road in case he was needed. And Seth and Trevor would be parked fairly far from the drop site.

“So what do we think?” Zach asked. “Will the kidnapper honor the agreement? Ten grand for my sister seems quite cheap.”

Liam wished he had the answer. “If he doesn’t, we’ll torture him until he tells us where she is.”

“I like you, Liam Zano.”

“Thanks. You know when we were looking for you, your sister was positive that you were alive. She said you two had this twin connection, she called it. Tawny claimed she’d have felt it if you’d died. Does it work for you, too?” Liam held his breath, awaiting the answer.

“More or less. While I’m not as intuitive as Tawny, I know that she is alive. Besides, she’s too stubborn to let anything happen to her. If this really is about the money, once they have it, there’s no reason not to return her. I doubt anyone would want my dad hot on their trail.”

“Not to throw water on your fire, Zach, but what if this isn’t about the money?” Alex asked.

“You think this is some kind of revenge for my dad interfering with the Franklin Clan?”

“That’s as good a guess as any.”

Liam stood. “Hopefully, tomorrow we learn the answers to all of our questions. Tawny will be safely home, and the people who shot you, Zach—and tried to shoot Ethan—will be in jail. The icing on the cake would be if we learn who is behind all of this and end it once and for all.”

“Amen,” Zach said.

After they finished cleaning up, they each went to their own rooms, but Alex wasn’t sure he could sleep. While it hadn't been that long ago that they'd asked Tawny to move in, he was used to having her around. The fact she was their mate, made it worse.

* * *
