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He goes to the door of the cage, unlocking it.

“Take off the robe, Dove. Don’t make me say it again.”

My hands tremble as I do what he says. He leads me to the bed, motioning for me to climb on it.

“So that’s how it is? You ignored me all day and now you want to have sex?”

“Smart girl. Spread your legs.”

Glaring at him, I do as he says. I want to say that I fought him. I want to say that I didn’t enjoy it as he made me come more times than I could count. But I can’t.

Days bleed into weeks and maybe even months as the same routine continues. I wake up each morning alone. Maurice brings me breakfast. Sometimes I’m allowed to shower. Most often I’m not. The curtains are always open during the daytime so I can see out. I watch as the leaves on the trees fall. I watch as snow covers the ground. Life moves on without me. I hate it. I constantly wonder how Chip and Belle are doing. Do they even ask about me? Do they think that I left them? All things I’ll never get answers to since Luca refuses to talk about them.

At the end of each day, Luca returns and opens the door of the cage. He takes me to the bed and uses me until we’re both spent. He doesn’t even have to use the cuffs on me. No, I go willingly just to get out of the cage, or so I tell myself.

One night, he surprises me by pulling me close to his body after making me come at least four times.

“What were you going to school for?”

I look over to make sure he’s not on the phone, talking to someone else. He’s not.

“I was mostly just trying to get my basics out of the way.”

“I’m sure you had goals or dreams, though.”

I shift, making myself comfortable. “Maybe. I tried not to think too far ahead, you know? I was looking at something in healthcare since there’s always work there, or so people say.”

“What would you do if you could do anything in the world?”

I smile. “When I was little, I used to tell my dad that I wanted to be a mom. Probably because I never had one. I think working with underprivileged kids would be something close to that. Helping kids who are growing up in the same way I did.”

He grunts and doesn’t answer.

“What about you?”


“What would you be doing if this life hadn’t been thrust upon you?” At his curious look, I say, “Maurice said that you were each raised from young boys to live this life.”

He rubs his chest, right over his heart. “I’ve never thought about it, I guess.”

We’re both silent, lost in our own thoughts. Just as I’m getting sleepy, he moves away from me.

“Time to get back in your cage, little bird.”

And just like that, I’m back to hating Luca Di Bello.

The next morning he’s gone, and my feelings are still hurt. Freaking jerk! Does he get off on being nice to me only to turn around and be mean? He must! Maurice enters right on time.

“Good morning, birdie.”

I don’t answer and turn my back on him.

“Luca said you were mad. I guess he was right.”

That only gets a huff out of me. He places the food tray on the table, sliding it toward me. I make no moves to get it, and he rounds the cage so he can see me.

“Are you okay, birdie?”
