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There’s another crash in the hallway, and it sounds close. And then I hear voices. Men. And a lot of them. Are these people the ones Luca mentioned? The ones out to get him? If so, does that mean they already got to Luca and Henri? Is that why Luca left in a rush?

The doorknob jiggles. “I bet they’re in here. Monsieur said there were safe rooms and hidden passages throughout the house.”

I meet Maurice’s gaze. His eyes are wild with fear.

“Dove, hide.”

The use of my real name sends terror coursing through my body.

“I’m not going to leave you here!”

He grabs me by the hand, pulling me across the room to another panel on the wall. It swings open, and he pushes me inside, closing the panel behind me. I’m in some kind of space that’s the size of a closet but is empty. I hold my breath as footsteps approach.

“Maurice. What a pleasant surprise. Of course, we already know that Luca and Henri are out of the house.” There’s a pause. “Monsieur D’Arque sent a message that they couldn’t refuse.”

Another voice adds, “Using small children as bait often has that outcome. A trick learned from George Peters.”

Small children? Do they have Chip or Belle? I think back to the look on Henri’s face as they left. He was upset, but I didn’t think too much about it. Oh, my god. What if something happened to Chip or Belle?

“The Beast really messed up when he went against us.”

Maurice says, “If you have an issue with him, you need to speak to him directly. I’m not his mouthpiece.”

“That’s not what we heard. Word around the street is that you’re the man we need to see to make a point.” The man laughs. “The only thing better would be if the bitch was here, too.”

An unknown voice says, “Her father said she was easy. I guess it’s true since I’ve seen the photos of her with the Beast and the Brute. Tell us, Brain, have you had her, too?”

Maurice answers in a monotone voice, “I am unlovable.”

“No shit. We heard what happened to your mom. No wonder you’re so fucked in the head.”

Rage courses through me. How dare they taunt Maurice like that!

Maurice’s voice is further away as he says, “You should leave. Once the Beast finds out that the D’Arque Family was here, he’ll make sure you pay.”

“Oh, we’re counting on it. And that’s why you’re coming with us.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, you freak. You’re coming and once we get you to the asylum, we’re going to show you what we would have done to you if you had been born into our family.”

My eyes fill with tears as the sound of a fist meeting flesh fills the air. There’s a deep grunt and then nothing.

“Pick him up. We need to get out of here before the Beast returns.” There’s a pause. “And the woman? Did you find her?”

“No, she’s hidden somewhere. It’s okay. This will be enough to draw them out.”

The thing is, I know these men are right. When they return, they’re going to do whatever it takes to get Maurice back. And I’m going to help them.

I’m not sure how long I stand in the hidden room. Long enough that my feet ache and I sit on the floor. That’s where I am when the panel opens, and Luca looks down at me.

“Thank fucking god.” He pulls me to my feet, hugging me close.

“They have Maurice,” I cry. “They said they were taking him to the asylum! They’re going to hurt him. We have to go!”

Luca holds me closer. “We’re going to get him, little bird. I swear it. But you have to stay here.”

“I can’t. I need to be there with you.”
