Page 18 of Truly You

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I wave my hand and walk toward the exit. Can I be okay with just a summer fling?



I don’t knowa single person who likes meetings.

I loathe them.

Yet, I’m the one who calls for a meeting every single fucking time. It’s self-torture. When it comes to my company, they’re easy to handle. Having a meeting with my siblings is not ideal. I want to strangle them, even sweet little Myka.

“It’s too fucking early,” Fernando complains as he takes a seat in the conference room of the brewery. “What do you want from me? I have a call in two hours.”

“To convince another poor woman that she can getthe guy?”Myka asks, staring at the camera. Well, I guess she’s trying to stare at him. “You’re such a loser.”

“This loser makes more money than your little head can count,” Fernando retorts. “What do you want? Other than to gloat because you scored with the cute manager?”

“Shut the fuck up,” I warn him.

“Oh my gosh, Iskander!” Myka complains. “This is why I’m not coming. Every woman in Luna Harbor hates me because I’m related to you four. I could’ve made friends with Siobhan, but even if we get along, she’s going to stop talking to me when you dump her ass because you will.”

“It’s not what you think,” I defend myself.

“I’ve heard that before,” she groans. “Why are we here? I have work to do.”

“We need someone to take over the tattoo parlor. Uncle Gary said you and San could be in charge,” I state.

“Sanford?” Her high pitch voice almost breaks the glass of water in front of me. “Why are you mentioning him?”

“I’m bringing the guys,” Mane explains. “Beacon should be fine by then, and he can leave Baker’s Creek in a few months. We could use a change of scenery. You guys need free labor.”

“I’ll take the tattoo parlor. We don’t needSan,” Myka, who is pretty territorial, states.

“He was an apprentice for Hawk Anderson, one of the best tattoo artists in Seattle,” Mane says. “You’re scared of needles.”

“You know what, do whatever you want,” she states. “I’ll be ready in a month to take over the parlor. By myself. If one of you sleeps with another girl, I’ll cut your balls off.”

She closes her eyes and asks, “Is Nydia still in town?”

I nod. “She doesn’t want to see any of us.”

When she opens them, she says, “God, I don’t hate you four because we’re related, but I swear I’m going to make your lives miserable if I become the outcast of the town—again.”

She logs out. Mane doesn’t say a word. We all stare at him.

“Do we want to split responsibilities now or wait until everyone is here?” I ask, breaking the silence.

“Sure, let’s wait,” he says, hanging up.

“I’m in charge of the car shop,” Efren says, tapping the table twice before standing up. “Today, I’m searching for a place to rent. I’m not going to live with you two idiots.”

“How about Mane?”

He shrugs. “I bet his band is already searching for a house. You know his hot manager likes to plan ahead. I wouldn’t worry about him.”

“Maybe he can get us a place. Talk to them,” I order. “Meeting adjourned and all that shit.”

I search for Siobhan. She’s in her office. “I’m picking you up tonight at five,” I say.

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