Page 22 of Truly You

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Two weeks.

It’s been fourteen days since the Cantú brothers came to Luna Harbor. Soon, the last two siblings will arrive. Manelik and Myka. I’d lie if I say I’m not dying to meet the famous drummer of Too Far From Grace and his band.

Do I have a crush on Beacon?

Everyone does. Though, if given a choice… I guess I wouldn’t choose either one of them. I like my guys to be on the quiet side, and all of them look like extroverts who like to party all night long. That’s not my style.

Now, Iskander is a different story.

He’s a successful man with that smoldering look and mature personality that has me wanting him—all the time.

The janitor’s closet gets more use from us than from the cleaning crew at the brewery. I spend most nights at the inn with him since Nydia can’t stand Iskander. I need more information about her relationship with the Cantús, but I’m giving her space.

She’s not dealing well with the news that the Cantú children are moving to Luna Harbor. I still can’t understand why they call them children when the youngest is my age. Well, I think he’s twenty-seven, but maybe he’s twenty-eight. It’s not like I’m going to ask him. More so when, just a couple of weeks ago, I was tempted to hire him as my relationship coach.

And yes, Nydia confirmed that Nando, the motivational speaker, and Nando Cantú are the same. His real name is Fernando. I’m tempted to ask for a friends and family discount. I mean, after I’m done wallowing in self-pity—or whatever it is I’m doing in Luna Harbor—I’ll go back to my life and try to find Mr. Forever. I could use a wingman, or his expertise.

The man of my dreams has to be out there somewhere. In the meantime, I’m enjoying Iskander’s taut body and exceptional skills. Also, thanks to Iskander, I need fewer lavender gummies than I did before he came to town.

When I enter Nydia’s store, she’s grunting and talking to herself.

“What happened?”

“That man, the one who wants to lease the farmhouse, came back.”

“It’s just for a year. We can adjust to living in the guesthouse.” Well, I hope we can. It’s a little outdated and I’m not sure if the furnace works. If all else fails, I can use Iskander as my personal warmer during the cold nights.

“Stop with that devious smirk and sexed up eyes.” She huffs. “Are you still my roommate?”

“Yeah, it’d be nice if I could bring my security blanket to bed, but you seem to have a problem with him.” I give her a look that says I’m not happy about it. “If you were screwing a hot guy, I wouldn’t complain about it.”

“He’s not just any guy.”

“It’d be helpful if you could tell me why you hate him so much. Did you sleep with him?”

She chokes, pretending to be puking. “Ew, he’s Iskander.”

“Good. For a moment, I thought I was sleeping with your ex, and neither of you wanted to admit it. That’d be creepy and awkward.”

“Listen, that family is… I just don’t like any of them, and I’d rather not have to see them again. It’s not like either one of them cares about my wishes. As much as I keep telling them to get out of my store, they keep coming in, buying candy and leaving fifty-dollar bills as if I’m a charity case.”

She’s not, but she could use the money. I don’t remind her though, because the last thing I want is to get on her bad side.

“Listen, rent the farm for a year. We’ll figure out the rest. As soon as the brewery and the sports bar are working as they should, I’ll poke around to see if we can get your products into stores.”

Nydia smiles. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. What if I don’t like the tenants?”

“Well, this is awkward.”

She frowns. “What?”

“You’re the positive one of the two. I’m not good at saying it’ll be fine, look at the silver lining, and have faith… yada, yada, yada.”

“Things are different.”

No kidding, she’s about to murder someone and I hope it’s not me. “I can see that, and you know what would be nice?”

“If you could make the Cantús disappear?”

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