Page 39 of Truly You

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Immediately, I call Siobhan. However, her voicemail picks up right away.

“Hey, I just learned that you don’t plan on going back home. Where are you?” I take a deep breath. “Listen, my family doesn’t want to lose you. How can I convince you to go back to your old job? I’m open to negotiations. If it’s the salary, I’ll double it or… just tell me what you need, okay?”

After hanging up, I send her a text.

Iskander: Call me. We can come to an agreement.

Since this is all I can do, for now, I go to my home office and work. Who needs sleep?



What I need?

He wants to know what I need.

Please, like I’m going to believe he’s worried about me at all. His only concern is his family, which makes no sense.

Iskander both hates and loves to be in charge of them. It’s a cycle that will never end. His family seems to be in trouble, and he jumps to the rescue. Once everything is under control, he complains about them. He blames them for everything he’s lacking, including the freedom to do whatever he wants. As long as he continues that toxic cycle, he’s never going to be happy.

I glare at the phone before saying, “Well, I don’t need anything from you, asshole!”

Hmm, maybe I’m angry at him. I just don’t know why. Is it because he’s offering me more money and he didn’t do it before or…

“Okay, we’re taking out some aggression on the phone.” I almost jump when I realize Anya is in front of me.

I lift my gaze and try to give her one of those smiles that say,everything-is-peachy-there’s-nothing-to-see-here. “Hey, you’re awake.”

She nods before saying, “Tell Anya why you’re fighting with the phone.”

Since I’m still not ready to talk about Iskander with her or anyone, I flip the focus toward her. “What happened to going to bed?”

She shrugs a shoulder. “It’s hard to sleep when I have a long to-do list for tomorrow.”

We took this day as a rest day, so I could get to know Rumi, and she could catch up on some sleep. The time we’ve spent together was mostly focused on her beautiful daughter. It pains me to see her so happy and full of life. She’s so innocent, she can’t see how much her mother is suffering or know that her father is an asshole.

I can’t believe Mitchell left, and yet, I understand. They say two things can be simultaneously true. I’m pissed at him and also sad for him. As soon as I get a handle on this situation, I’ll call him to tell him how much I hate him. Also, to make sure he’s okay. Why didn’t he at least send me a message?

“You should add search for a new doctor to that to-do list,” I remind her.

“There’s nothing we can do, Siobhan.”

“You haven’t told me much about it. You’re sick with breast cancer, but what’s the stage? Did you stop responding to treatment?”

She opens her mouth and closes it. “I don’t… I have a few more treatments before they can tell me where I’m at. The doctor said I shouldn’t have waited so long after the diagnosis.”

“How long did you wait?”

“Until Rumi turned a year old,” she whispers. “I couldn’t go through treatment while tending to a newborn.”

“You should’ve called me immediately. Right when your husband left you. I… why didn’t you trust me?”

“What if you agreed with him? I know how you feel about losing people. We’re all we have left, but also, you became distant after you moved to Luna Harbor. Other than presents and the occasional text, I have no idea what’s happening with you. You’re yelling at the phone. I don’t know if you went back to Roland, have a new guy, or…” She shrugs and scoffs. “I really just called you because even when we’re not as close, I know you’ll be a good mother to Rumi.”

“Sorry for the absence, and if it comes down to it, I’ll be there for her. However, you need to fight.”

She shakes her head. “Don’t be sorry, I’m just as guilty. We promised to be there for each other, and I didn’t do much after Mitchell and I married. When Roland left you, we should’ve been there for you. I should’ve gone to Luna Harbor and dragged you back with us. It’s… we drifted, but I know we’re still sisters and that you’ll take care of my baby.”
