Page 5 of Truly You

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The car service picks me up two hours after I hang up with my father.

While we’re heading toward the airport, I call Manelik. He can lay the groundwork to let Myka know we’re visiting—or what seems like moving to—Luna Harbor. Plus, he might help me convince the other two while I’m in the air for the next couple of hours.

“Why do I have the feeling that you’re about to ruin my day?” he answers right away.

“What are you doing?” He’s probably sleeping since he doesn’t have to do anything.

He retired at twenty-nine. Who does that? Manelik Cantú, that’s who.

“Eating breakfast? I don’t know. What would you like me to be doing?” he says in such a fucking condescending tone I want to punch him in the face.

“I’m not in the mood,” I warn him.

“Tell dear Mane who upset Iskander.” He uses a baby-like voice.

“Don’t be condescending,” I order him.

He grunts. “I can’t win with you today. Myka is right. You have to get laid. I can ask my people to find you someone—an actress, some model, or a hooker.”

“I spoke with Pa,” I change the subject, or this might end in a fight. We don’t have time for that.


“What do you mean with no?” Is he kidding me? Family isn’t optional. He has to ship his ass out to Luna Harbor if I do. “You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.”

“Shall I remind you thatheand Abuelo are living in my house? I’m already doing my part,” he says. “I also know they want you to be in charge of Wicked Luna. So, no. The answer ishell no.You’re not delegating your duties because you’re the oldest.”

Negotiating with my brothers is more complicated than convincing an investor to give me a billion dollars for my next big idea. Not that I’ve ever tried, but I assume that’d be easier. These assholes don’t care if I need them.

“I could buy a house in Seattle, so they can move in there and say that I’ve done my part. That’s not it. This is for Abuelo. He needs us to take over his businesses.”

“I have work to do,” he answers.

Okay, now he’s just pissing me off. “The band is on hiatus, and you retired from that undercover shit.” I pause, sighing with relief. “Thank fuck. So technically, you’re free.”

“No, I’m not. Beacon hasn’t recovered yet. I’m helping his family,” he states.

I don’t care if one of his best friends almost died. His family needs his help more. We come first.Or at least we’re supposed to.

A few months ago, Beacon was in an accident that almost left him quadriplegic. I get why he wants to stay. It’s not like I don’t care about his bandmates. They’ve been around us since Mane was in pre-school. I know why they’re so close. I should be more thoughtful, but still, I need him today.

“You helphis family,but you can’t help us? Wow, your priorities are fucked up, Manelik. We are more important.” My voice is so loud the driver lowers the privacy screen to check if I’m okay. I wave my hand and continue the call. “We need you.”

He lets out a loud breath. There’s some mumbling on the other side. He’s so much like Pa, and maybe that’s why they have so much trouble getting along. Once he’s done, he says, “If you give me a month, I’ll be there. You know Beacon and the guys are family too. The next time you try to make me choose… Just don’t make me choose, okay?”

“How’s the asshole doing? Is he running yet?” I joke.

“He’s getting there. As I said, give me a month. After that, I’ll bring the guys with me. More hands on deck.”

I can wait a month if he’s going to bring his crew along. They might be pains in the ass, but they are good kids, like my brother.

“No more than a month,” I confirm with him.

“Have you called the rest? I’m not the only one who should be helping you.”

“Oh, I’m dragging everyone.” I stop, run a hand through my hair, and say, “Can you call Myka? She’ll listen to you better than she’ll listen to me.”

He chuckles. “You’re a coward. I already texted her to warn her that you’ll be calling. You have to make the call.”
