Page 60 of Truly You

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“We’ll call it even since you’re spending a crazy amount of money on Anya.”

* * *

We’re staying at Iskander’s house. Well, he called itour placewhen we arrived after the almost four-hour drive. I want to argue about our current accommodations, demand that either he go somewhere else or find us a new house.

I can’t. One of the guestrooms is now a nursery, and his office is Anya’s room.

Also, the town is closing, but not before we receive a few dozen people who’ll need a home or at least a room.

Even Nydia’s farm is going to have house guests. She should be home tomorrow since her husband has to do a job, whatever that means. She’s staying with Myka for the time being.

“This place is cozy,” Anya says when she enters the kitchen where I’m making us tea. “How long have you lived here?”

“Almost three years,” I whisper.

She nods. “I heard the story, but when I’m looking at you two it’s like seeing a married couple, you know?” She pauses for a moment and continues, “Two people who don’t need words to know what the other needs.”

“We were never together.”

“Denial,” she mumbles before walking toward the glass door that faces the backyard. “That’s a pretty lake.”

“It’s beautiful,” I agree. “My favorite part of the night is when we go out, turn on the fire pit, and read together.”

She releases a sigh and I almost feel the nostalgia seeping through her pores.

I dare to ask, “What really happened with Mitchell?”

“He left. I told you.”

“Anya, I need the truth.”

“It’s the truth. We fought a lot. After my diagnosis, he threatened to claim I was harming myself so he could have guardianship of me and… things just spiraled out of control.”

This doesn’t sound anything like what he told me. Instead of arguing, I ask, “After the separation, did he send you checks to cover expenses?”

“I didn’t want his money,” she snaps, her eyes wild and filled with fury.

“You could’ve—”

“Whose side are you on?” Her voice is so loud I almost jump.

“Yours, I’m just trying to understand what happened between the two of you.”

She rubs her temples. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get angry. Sometimes I can’t control my emotions. The rage… I don’t know why it happens. It just does.”

And maybe it’s the pressure of having to be on her own that changed her disposition. I wish there was a therapist in town so she could get some help, but now that everything is about to close… can we get her help?

“I want you to know I’m here to do my best, okay. I spoke with him because I’m upset at how he treated you. He told me things that didn’t match with your story.”

She nods. “Sometimes I miss him. Others, I feel like he’s just out there, waiting to harm my baby and me.”

He would never do that, at least I don’t think he would. “Did he ever hurt you?”

“He left. That destroyed me.” She’s sobbing, and I regret bringing Mitch into the conversation.

“I meant physically.”

“No, but I think he wanted to.”
