Page 66 of Stay Tonight

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“Mom taught you better,” Declan tells me.

“Stop fighting over my daughter,” Brooks says, heading toward us.

“Oh no, you don’t,” Palmer manages to cut him off, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Let them have some time with her. Relax, pappa bear.” I hear her tell him.

“Sterling, I need you,” Alyssa calls out.

My head snaps to where she’s sitting on the edge of the pool next to Piper. “Unless you want me to let one of the twins help me?” she asks.

I stand, hand Remi to Orrin, and make my way toward her. I sit next to her on the side of the pool, placing my hand on her thigh. “What’s up, Tink?”

“Payback on Rush.” She nods to where Rushton is floating on a raft. He has sunglasses on, but you can tell from how relaxed his body is, he’s asleep or well on his way. “I don’t know if I’m strong enough to dump him off on my own.”

“I see how it is. Using me for all of your dirty work.” I tap the end of her nose with my index finger.

“She’s tiny,” Piper defends. “She calls you Tank for a reason.”

“What she said.” Alyssa points at Piper.

“I’m just giving you shit, Tink. You know if it’s in my power, I’ll give you anything you ask for.” I don’t stick around to give her a chance to reply, but I do hear her quick intake of breath as I drop down into the pool.

The water is warm. I hold my finger up to Blakely, telling her to be quiet where she sits on the steps. She giggles and covers her mouth with her hand, and nods.

As quietly as possible, I walk to the back of the raft that Rushton is floating on. His chest rises and falls with ease, and I know he’s out. Moving to the side, I gently guide the raft away from the steps and tip him. He comes up, sputtering and shaking his head. Everyone laughs, but the only laughter I hear is hers. Alyssa has her head tilted back, and her happiness has my heart tripping over in my chest.

“You.” Rushton points at me, and I shrug.

“My girl wanted you dunked.” I realize what I said as soon as the words are out of my mouth. Rushton smirks and moves toward Alyssa. “Tink!” I call out, and she turns to see my brother headed her way.

Archer is walking by and offers her his hand, helping her stand. She thinks that she’s safe, but I know better. Archer says something to her, and then he lifts her into his arms, running, and jumping into the deep end.

I swim to her, and just as she comes up for air, I pull her into my arms. “I got you,” I tell her. She manages to wrap her legs around my waist and climb on my back.

“Now try and get me,” she taunts my brothers.

“You can’t stay glued to him all day and night.” Rushton points at her. His smile tells me he’s not angry. It’s all in good fun.

“Wanna bet? Tank, I’m your huckleberry.”

Fine by me.I move my hands to grip the back of her thighs, making sure she’s securely wrapped around me. “I can live with that,” I tell her.

“You two…” Rushton points at his eyes with his index and middle fingers and then at us. “I’m watching you. Be on guard, Lys,” he tells her.

She giggles. The sound is right next to my ear as her body shakes. I can feel her tits pressed to my back, and I’m thankful we’re in the water because my cock also notices.

“You can’t let me out of your sight,” she says once she stops laughing. “He means business.”

“I’ve got you.” And I do. I’ve got her.

No matter what life tosses our way, I’m her man. That’s what you do for the woman who owns your heart. I just need to find the right time to tell her that.



“This pile of record requests needs to be completed before any of you go home.” Tamara drops a stack of papers on the desk between us before turning on her heel and stomping back to her office.

“She’s been extra bitchy this week,” my coworker Cassie whispers.

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